At the day break our garden comes alive with the twilight bringing sights and scenes which captivate us.
A few days bak, it was the stillness of Daphne, hearing a bird call of a Kingfisher, perched in the coconut palm that caught my attention. Every time there was a bird call from the King fisher, Daphne paused to listen to look, although she did not spot the direction from where the bird calls were emerging!
The day temperature is now reaching 32 degree celsius, which normally occurs only in March.
With president Trump withdrawing from the Paris agreement on climate protection, I wonder if the nation of such outstanding scientific temper can ever overlook the climate change which is causing alarming changes! Even worse is its dissociation from the World Health Organisation, which directed the pathway for 'Health for all'!
The Barbet and the two Bulbuls waiting for their turn to feed from the feeding basin, is a symbol of how we are dependent on the climate to bring favourable conditions to give us food to live on! How can the President of the United States of America overlook this and the scientific community in the USA silently consent to this unwise step of ignoring the Paris agreement on climate control!
The power of position is for leadership of a nation with wisdom, foresight and insight! Most of the actions which president of the USA initiated in the first week of his presidency seem to be punitive or revengeful!
Is the USA also moving in the direction of oligarchy! The language of intolerance towards the immigrants is disheartening!
The serene look at day break which the garden offers each morning, is no more a symbol of hope when we look at the affairs of nations. There is a drift towards extremism and intolerance!
Although we celebrate the 75th anniversary of India becoming a republic with a constitution, we find social and economic diversity, with the elected national government favouring the rich to have better access to their industrial growth.
The telephone revolution in India with mobile phone access was initiated by the government owned BSNL Today, by neglect and deliberate indifference, two or three private companies have dominated the control of the network with BSNL struggling to exist as the government is nor more its guardian to protect its growth. India too is sending signals to favour the emergence of Oligarchs!
To me, each day break is an opportunity to behave in a friendly manner to our neighbours. If one third of the population in India is at the bottom of the pyramid economically and socially, they are our neighbours!
Let each day break bring this awareness to us and others!
The food basin in our garden brings fifty or more birds to our garden for their feed each day! That tells me how much the birds are dependent on what others can offer!
Will the government and all those engaged in promoting equity turn their attention towards the one third of our population, who live marginalised!
Sometimes the Good Samaritans continue their good work silently without receiving acknowledgement for their good work.
I met a doctor from Sivakasi, who for the last twenty five years have been involved in supporting parents to develop sounding parenting skills. Listening to him about the different ways he and his wife do this made me feel that they have a heart that feels for parents and their children.
Such people are the 'salt and light' in a troubled world!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)
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