31 December, 2024

The carnival of Life !

A visit to the beach two days after Christmas 2024, brought s sense of being part of the cosmic expression of the joyfulness of the season. The earth, sea and the beach provided an evening of delight to those who congregated in family groups. There was something special for all those who were there, to be engaged in. 

I confess that I felt drawn towards children on such occasions. As the sun was setting with the radiance of that hue of colours on the sky, few children on their own were designing their time at the Beach, while the birds were retreating to their shelters. 

One older child was drawing her story of that moment on the sand, knowing that the next tide would wash away her design. In spite of the tidal water washing away her design on the sand, she continued dreaming and drawing her thoughts on the shifting sand! She knew what it was to persevere when the odds were against her!

A child younger than the above girl, was holding sand between his hands. I liked the way, he tired to gather sand more than his small handful grip can bring between his hands. He was determined and spent a good bit of his time doing this repetitively, till his mother lured him away with a ball to play. He hoped to gather between his hands what he envisioned for himself!

A third child, still younger to the two above, was looking into the wide canvas of space and people in front of her and taking small wavering steps forward. Her engaging look caught my attention. There was a resolve to look, walk, balance and communicate that delight in being herself! I might guess that she was a toddler, making surprising discoveries for herself amidst the space and events larger than what she can normally behold. 

This to me, is  the carnival of life ! Each person is occupied with pursuit of life!  There is an intensely personal style and content to this pursuit!

Jesus of Nazareth was a person comfortable to engage individuals families, people in the synagogue, large numbers who came to hear and receive healing and gatherings of multitudes in gardens and beaches. He saw in each of them as aspiration and longing! He was even aware of their need for food that He on a few occasions fed thousands of people. 

It was this person, Herod, Scribes, Pharisees and religious teachers wanted to get rid of, at different times in His life, from the time He was born!

I guess there might have been about couple of thousands of people in that part of the beach in that evening hour. Each person is an individual pursuing his or her life! They came together at the beach, because space beside a sea, is a symbol that people connect with. Between the beach and the horizon is the vast sea  ! 

Is not this vastness between horizon and the beach a symbol of the long voyage in one's life!  

We keep moving in our life, looking beyond!

Even a toddler had an expectant look on her face as she took faltering steps to move forward!

Jesus of Nazareth too began His journey as a child with a readiness to bring  the good news of God's love in a graceful and compassionate way!

Jesus walked this way, showing us the way to live loving and caring! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)


30 December, 2024

The Rebuilding!


Our boundary wall remained damaged for about three months; during the Christmas week, the rebuilding began. 

It was not intentionally planned that way. But when the rebuilding began, I felt an inward movement to return to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The birth of Jesus was to be the  fulfilment of the prophetic promise of the saviour. The hope of God revisiting His people remained shattered in the minds of those, who were waiting for the Kingdom of God. So the birth of Jesus announced by the star in the sky leading the shepherds to the town of Bethlehem was the beginning of God rebuilding hope in the lives of those who remained in darkness. 

The broken wall above brought to my memory some significant rebuilding events in the Jewish story. 

One part of the story which intrigued me was the resistance of Herod to welcome the birth of Jesus, to the extent that he plotted to kill children below two years of age in the hope that Jesus too will be eliminated. Herod fell to the trap of his mind. He failed to see the time and prophecy of which he too had become a part of. Herod was given a chance to follow the worshipful intent of the wise men, who came to enquire about the birth of Jesus. In fact Herod developed a tyrannical mind set to control and rule!

The broken walls offer an opportunity to rebuild. It is not rebuilding the history of the past, but an occasion to allow a transformational new beginning. 

With the passing away of Dr Manmohan Singh, two days ago, a former prime minister of India for ten years, we remember how he brought the country out of economic slide, while the western world suffered recession and economic stagnation. He is referred to a rebuilder of modern India to usher in economic freedom through liberalisation. He used his skills to rebuild an economy, which had crashed. 

Joseph and Mary became the rebuilders of the history of grace, forgiveness and freedom, which Jesus was able to bring through his incarnation!

As I saw two workers getting ready to rebuild the wall in the photos above, my thoughts were centred in Joseph and Mary. Their readiness to walk an unchartered path in their personal and family life enabled the rebuilding of the hope of God's redeeming presence in a broken world!

What preceded during the rebuilding of the wall today, was the excavation to lay new foundations to build the wall. The history of the wall, about 25 years old would now find continuity on a new foundation. 

The continuity and the new beginning!

At the end of the day, the mason completed half of the re-building which yielded fruits to his efforts to restore what was damaged and build a protection for the property for the future. 

The past and the future stay connected with the restoration of the broken wall. 

Jesus was born, which is historical. 

Its contemporary message is God is with us because of His coming!

In the recollection of the Christmas events there is a continuity of the redeeming activity of God from Noah, proceeding on to generations of people to whom the pathway to God was made known. 

And yet there was a new foundation for this rebuilding of relationship between God and seekers of God,  With the coming of Jesus a new foundation of relationships with God was established through forgiveness, grace and  of the blessing of new life to those who turn to Jesus in prayer. 

This rebuilding of relationship between God and seekers of God was what was announced in the glad tidings that the angels announced at the birth of Jesus. 

The past does not continue to perpetuate itself. The earlier revelation of God in the human history in multiple ways was a preparation to make the incarnational presence of God in the person  of Jesus. 

This new foundation of relationship with God is bathed in the self giving love of God. 

It is for this reason, Jesus called us to 'love your neighbour as yourself' which to me has been a struggle for me to grow in to that practice. 
To love there is a giving and receiving dimension. I find  this pursuit a long journey.....!  

However that is the way forward ! 

It was while watching the sunset the other day, I sensed the beyondness of a reality, distant, hallowed and awesome. 

To build loving relationships is a longing worth pursuing, however faltering every effort might turn out to be! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

Obvious or Obscure !


The resident birds in our garden often are noticeable in prominent stations in our garden at day break. They position themselves in their ore-flight positions by entitlement. 

There are other birds who are only visitors in the garden and occupy obscure position in order to be safe and not chased by birds who have claimed their territorial rights. 

I come across these two groups of birds in our garden at day break. It opened more understanding about the bird behaviours in our garden. 

To be in obvious locations, visible and advantageous to have a telescopic view of the sights beyond, seemed to be the choice of birds who know the garden well. They their habitual presence in the same station displace other birds from wanting to be in that station. 

This is the order of hierarchy in avian dispensation. Some bir stations ds exercise control or hold to deny other birds the opportunity to have access to the some flight stations. 

The obscure flight station with the pair of Mynahs occupy is hidden and has a protective cover. The palm leaves hide their visibility. They have also the limitation of the views into the distance as the palm leaves block their distant vision. 

The Christmas events at Nazareth carried a certain level of obscurity initially. It soon became obvious to the shepherds, wise men and others  in the region as the news about the birth of the saviour prophesied for generations became a historic reality. In that sense it was celebrated by some and feared by some others.  

The presence of Jesus in Bethlehem created a flutter of activities. For some like the shepherds it was an occasion to spread the glad tidings all over. For the wise men, there was a need to keep the news hushed up as there was a threat to t life of Jesus. 

This is the dual pattern of the biographical sketches of people that we come across in our surroundings. 

One group of people thriving by being known and  another group who stay hidden!

I pondered over this for a while during the day!

We live in a social world where visibility is essential to capture attention. lower middle class or the upper middl

It is in this context the teachings of Jesus that, 'you are the light'; 'you are the salt'; 'a little leaven, leavens the whole lump'  and ' if two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst' bring a contrasting message to the obsessive social pattern to be seen, heard or known. 

The sociological view of life is upward movement. The economists commenting about the financial and social migration of people in India  in the last 25 years, notic place e the upward movement of people from the lowest strata to the lower middle class or the upper middle class. Those who lived in the margins of society are migrating to the visible sphere in the social hierarchy. 

There is another sociological migration taking place concurrently. There aer some who are well placed are becoming more mindful of those who live their lives in an obscure manner at the bottom of the pyramid of our social structure. 

Following the ecological disaster caused by landslide, when people lost lives, property and all that they had to live on in Wayanad have found offer of support widely. Although the government of India is yet to offer a relief package, the voluntary sector is active with relief and rehabilitation initiatives. 
 Himself with the least 
This is what reveals the mindset of our fellow travellers in life. The governments locally and nationally have been slow and inadequate IN their responses; the civil society has been active to take more initiatives. 

A church built houses for those who lived in huts in one area, near to us. Those who remain excluded received attention. 

The obvious in our social pursuit is to secure more visibility for those who claim to be entitled; those who live their obscure lives continue to do so, until the Good Samaritans appear to lead them on!

The Christ of Christmas in that sense began His earthly life identifying Himself as one among them least. He came to 'serve and not to be served'. The little that He had access to at birth, a manger, symbolised the heart of His mission. The shepherds, being one of the firsts to receive the message of His birth, became identified with the mission of the birth of Jesus. 

The light dispels darkness. The light Jesus brings into our lives is to see the obscure and the hidden people, who are around us. The prophet Nehemiah, appealed to those who assembled to celebrate the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, '..send portions to him, who has nothing prepared..'(Neh 8:10). 

In the Messianic calling, that Jesus came to fulfil, '..To bring good news to the afflicted .. to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners..' (Isa 61:1), there is a message of invocation: remember the obscure among us.

The Christmas season brings the awareness of the contrast between the  obvious and the obscure dispensations of people living us! 

Taking sides of the obscure among us, is a calling that resonates as the call of Christmas!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


29 December, 2024

Giving to the Giver God!

The squirrel above is resident in our garden and is a regular morning visitor to the feeding station in our garden. It was while watching this on one morning, the saying of Jesus in the Lord's Prayer, 'Give us this day, our daily bread' engaged me to ponder over this prayer of provision. 

Jesus of Nazareth had a mixed childhood experiences. Jesus was born in a place other than His own home; He was born when His parents were on a journey; He had to be carried to safety by being taken to Egypt on account of Herod seeking to harm Him; His early childhood was lived in a strange environment till His parents returned to Nazareth. That too His parents chose Nazareth to stay hidden when threat to His life had not fully receded!

A family living in such an adverse situation for a few years, would have experienced the provision of protection and gift of existential needs each day, without having had the security of the certainty for each day! The family lived each day, protected and provided for! 

It occurs to me, that this intuitive awareness of how He and His family were provided for, made Jesus pray this prayer of invoking God to be the provider!

I noticed the aloneness of this Bulbul bird below. This cable is a perching position for a few birds almost every day. Its still and upright posture indicate to me that it has a direction laid out for it for the day.

It is referring to such birds, Jesus of Nazareth spoke in His sermon on the Mount: 'Look at the  birds of the air, they do not sow neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds the..'(Matt6:26).

I happened to park the car in a congested street yesterday, with continuous flow of traffic on both directions as no other place was available along a stretch of about half a kilometre. When I had to take out the car, the access was blocked and the flow of traffic made it difficult to reverse into the road. I waited for ten minutes wondering how I would find  the space to take out the car. An auto driver seeing my predicament, offered to move his vehicle to allow me some moving space. As soon I got out, another car occupied the space denying the parking space for the auto driver. I felt disturbed by this and reached out to thank the auto driver and apologised to him for the inconvenience it caused him while helping me. What surprised me was his words: 'Yes, I lost the space, there night a better space somewhere in the street' ! 

The prayer, 'give us our daily bread' is a prayer of the heart, which most of us pray silently in our heart in all situations of need or demand. Because of what Jesus said, that 'your Heavenly Father knows that  you need all these things' (Matt 6:32), there is an assurance of hope in all situations. 

I took time to revisit the state of my mind, during the fifteen minutes I felt stranded in not being able to move the car. What became as a comfort was the polite and thoughtful response of the auto driver. That brought another dimension to the prayer of Jesus, 'give us our daily bread'. God meets our needs through others. God sends 'neighbours' whose loving gesture becomes the provision for our needs. 

This episode brought an awareness about a popular saying, 'God meets the needs of others, through us'!

On days, if Anna or I  forgot to leave food in the feeding station, the birds hover around the place chirping and calling our attention. The two Bulbuls below kept calling for our attention as there was no food left in the food basin. 

The wise men who came to meet Jesus with gifts, returned another way, having been told in a dream to do so, as Herod was waiting to harm Jesus. God protected the child Jesus, by guiding the wise men to avoid meeting Herod on their return journey. They were instructed by Herod to return and inform him of the place where Jesus was born. The wise men aligned with the voice of their dream, almost defying the king to whom they were obliged to !

The protective role of the wise men offered safety to Jesus, giving the family time to move to Egypt!

The convergence of the heavenly voices and the response of people around Jesus, provided Him the safety He needed. God provides through people who hear the voice to respond!

The childhood of Jesus was an experience of being provided for by the confluence of God's provisions through multiple people!

The prayer, Give us our daily bread, is a prayer which undergirds the centrality of human response to make it happen!

This prayer is an inclusive prayer, in which all followers of Jesus are called to participate to 'love our neighbours as ourselves'!

I remember visiting Dr Ajit and Alice Bhat in their home a few years ago. During the conversation I enquired of them how they decided to make a large contribution to build the Alumni guest house at the Christian Medical College, Vellore. In fact, it was their initiative and interest that made the guest house a reality, when CMCV had no such facility for guests.  

What they shared was a fascinating aspect of history. Rev A.C.Oommen who was the chaplain at CMCV was a student friendly chaplain who led retreats, Bible studies and fellowship meetings for students through the Student Christian Movement. Rev Oommen kept involved in the lives of students even after they left the college. Ajit and Alice shared happy memories of association with Rev Oommen. The other person of considerable influence in their lives during their formative years was Dr P. Zachariah, the professor of physiology. He formulated the Alumni association and made the alumni to meet batch wise at CMCV eery year. The diaspora of CMC alumni fascinated Dr Zachariah. He saw them as witnesses to the motto of the institution, 'not to be mentored unto but o minister'! He felt called to undergird their vocation by linking them with life and events in CMCV. Drs Ajit and Alice were inspired by this friendship that Dr Zachariah fostered among the alumni. It was because of the inspirational influences of two people in their lives, Drs Ajit and Alice wanted to reciprocate with a large gift to build the alumni guest house. 

This is the continuation of the Christmas experience of 'giving to the Giver God' !

Let me offer the flower below from our garden to the many who blessed Anna and me by their example  of  'giving' thereby leavening our lives with graceful and thoughtful acts of kindness!

 M.C.Mathew( text and photo)

28 December, 2024

' A Handful of rest'

The above view of the lawn visible to me, from where I sit in the quiet room, offers me many surprises during the day. 

The delightful sights begin early in the morning with the sun rays bathing the dew covered grass giving it an adorable look. The fruit trees on both sides in the longitudinal plane, create an appearance of fruitfulness and abundance. 

While watching this sight today, I was drawn by a statement from the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes in chapter 4 verse 6: 'One handful of rest is better than two fists full of labour and striving and wind' !
I have the candle burning beside the vase of flowers in the side table! 

As I look out into the courtyard, I feel greeted by the swinging lilies in the gentle breeze of the morning. 

What is this handful of rest! 

The vase of flowers brings the message of freshness, fragrance and fragility of the flowers. The candle through its presence radiates light, offers warmth and dispels darkness. 

Their presence  gives a sense of calm and cheer. The flower will fade away, the candle will get extinguished. In that, both of them have a transience to their presence. 

What made the shepherds on hearing the birth of Jesus leave their sheep and travel about 150 kilometres to greet Jesus arose out of the longing to meet Jesus who was promised to be the messiah and the Prince of peace ! The shepherds kept watch over the sheep over the  night to  protect the sheep. They were people used to labouring and striving. 

This journey to meet Jesus was a respite from their habitual life of labouring and striving. The sense of rest takes a new dimension in this encounter. The rest in this situation sprang from the glad tidings of the good news of seeing Jesus, the prince of peace, lying in a manager. The incarnational presence of Jesus, having been born in a humble way and resting in a manger, brought an emotional equation with the humble state of the shepherds.  

The shepherds who would sleep in the open often using a stone as the pillow, with interruption to their sleep by the intrusion of wild animals to fetch the sheep, needed an affirmation of their worth and value. The angles leading them to meet Jesus was an  experience of having been chosen to have a first hand experience of the peace Jesus brought from the manger. Instead of the bleating sheep that the shepherds were used to, they encountered stillness, serenity and sacred moments. Everything about this Jesus had a link with what the shepherds were used to an yet, He radiated peace.

The lawn is the symbol of the wide expanse of our situations in which we live, move and have our being. That is also a symbol of the labour and striving that was referred to in the verse quoted above. 

The lilies in the garden, the vase of flowers and the candle bring a counter message to the labour and striving that we are used to in our daily living!
Each of these symbols radiates or reflects what they are given or blessed with!

The one life we are given to live is also an abundance of the plenty of  the givenness we are blessed with. We are inherently conditioned to live experiencing rest, because we are given and blessed. That was what Mary received as a message from the angel, 'Hail favoured one, The Lord is with you' (Luke1:28).

The rest, inner wellness, delight in being oneself, and composure  to live, and loving and serving, arise from this promise, 'The Lord is with you'.  That is rest. God is with us! Immanuel !

The labour and striving cannot bring rest or the gains from them cannot substitute the state of rest. 

I come back to the lawn ! If that symbolises the arena of life where one is called to live, then the reality is that the Lord is with us. 

That is the reason and source of a handful of rest.  

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)


Choosing the direction !


One ritual for birds at day break is to plan their first flight path. I felt fascinated while watching how this pair of Bulbuls planned for thelr movements. 

After the grooming and drying, the two who were looking in two directions aligned to look in one direction. Having chosen the direction for the flight, both moved to be perched on a branch, which gave them a larger view of the path ahead for the flight. 

It was from this position, both of them flew away, one after the other to the  distant destination. 

The pathway for the day is an open matter for the birds in the morning. They have food, water and friendly terrain as their expectation for the day. 

Each day is a new day for the birds. They plan and choose. 

In the events associated with the birth of Jesus, what stands out is how Joseph and Mary were guided through the journey into their future.

Mary who was only betrothed was promised a son by an angel. Jospeh was guided to receive Mary as his wife although she had conceived a baby according to the promise by the angel. They needed to go to Nazareth to register for census during which Jesus was born, whom they placed in a manger. The presentation of Jesus on the eight day when Simeon and Anna prophesied about the baby Jesus, who was to be the fulfilment of prophetic promises, followed by the 'flight' to Egypt at night to escape from Herod who was plotting too harm Jesus, were unusual experiences. However they were in alignment with the Old Testament references about Jesus and the events associated with His birth.

The Christmas narrative is an outstanding example of how all good happenings can be submerged in a hostile and demanding setting. 

The avian readiness process for each day at dawn, is for encountering the foreseen and unforeseen situations in the flight paths. 

This readiness process is an exercise of reflection, bringing past experiences as an indication of what to await. It is a process to gauge the wind, light and temperature in the air, other flock movements, and sensing the location where they shall find food, water and shelter for the day. 

It is an awareness about the Christmas events, which can make us feel moved by the sensitive and responsive attitude of Joseph and Mary. They were in an exceptional situation. And yet, they acted in alignment with prophetic writings or responded to the instant guidance received from the angels. 

These recollections bring back to me some instances in the recent years, when I felt desperate for guidance and indication to choose the path. 

This discerning process is more than filtering available information or evidences but gauging the truth beyond all that is existential and logical. 

I recall how two nurses, Ann Bothamley and Marlene Thomas, working at the CMC, Vellore felt that they ought to have a residential facility for children whose parents were working in cross cultural situations, so that the children can receive good schooling. That is how Balanylayam came into being at Vellore, which both of them developed to be a 'home away from home'. They became foster parents to the children in residence. Such a guidance became historical, redeeming the childhood of many children who now live their vocation in different professional settings. 

We received the news of the home call of Ann yesterday. Both Ann and Marlene lived  discerning the time and responding to the guidance they felt within. They changed the course of the lives of many children and brought immense comfort and affirmation to their parents to continue their cross cultural presence and vocation. 

Joseph and Mary were one couple, who brought about changes in their lives in order that Jesus would grow up readying Himself to become the saviour. They bore the stress of the unexpected situations in their lives, knowing that what they were called to endure was for preparing Jesus for His mission in life. 

The birds above live each day sensing the direction each day. Joseph and Mary lived following the promptings given to them. Ann and Marlene lived responding to the voice within. 

The flowers below are an offering to all, who live mindfully of others. 

The Christmas season is a time to know and accept that there can be another way to live our lives, beyond what we plan and look forward to!

I recall how the situations of stress and disappointments turned out to be path finders on some occasions in my life. 

One stressful situation I recall was when I was asked to go to Nagpur to study the pre-professional course to join the medical course. To be a medical professional was no where in my orbit of consideration. The two years preceding to getting admission to study medicine turned out to be stressful and demanding. I feel grateful for those who carried me thoughtfully towards the study medicine. I remember my parents who believed in me and made it possible. Now fifty eight years later, I realise how the paths that I walked were both easy and difficult. 

Where that path led me is to a terrain that gave me a fulfilling experiences, by being involved with developmentally challenged children and their parents.  A path unusual and least conceivable path normally!

It is important to remember that Jesus lived facing threat to His life. Children of his age were killed by Herod, for failing to spot Jesus to harm Him. 

The good news of Christmas is that God is at work amidst the evil designs that we witness around us!

Choosing the direction is by yielding to God's promptings !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

27 December, 2024

The gift of formation!

The two co-existing realities in a tree! One branch is alive and flourishing with fruits and the other branch showing signs of weariness with loosing its foliage. 

The boy, Jesus of Nazareth grew up with facing contrasting realities in His life. The way Simeon, a righteous and devout person, who  was looking for the consolation of Israel, seeing Jesus at the temple on the eight day, proclaimed:  'A Light of revelation to the gentiles' (Luke 2: 25-33). He also said, 'Behold this child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel..". On the same occasion, Anna a prophetess, at eighty four years of age 'came up and giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all those, who were looking, for the redemption of Jerusalem' (v 36-38).

While this was happening in the temple bringing surprise to Joseph and Mary, Joseph received a message from the angel, 'Herod  is going to search father child to destroy Him' (Matt. 2: 13), because of which Joseph, 'arose and took the child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt'. 

These were two  realities associated with the challenge  Jesus faced in His life and calling. He grew up in an inhospitable environment, initially in a distant land from that of his parents, and later in Nazareth which too was not his parent's native place. The second was the self directed learning Jesus had to design for Himself in the law and prophets to get familiar with the message of fulfilment of prophecies that He was to be n His adulthood.  And yet, Jesus grew up 'increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men' (Luke 2;52).

While I kept watching the sight of the tree, in the photo above, I felt an inner awakening about realities in my own life. Life is a confluence of promises, prospects and blessings as well as denials, disappointments, and adversity. I happened to hear from a person, whom I got to know recently, some disturbing comments about a difficult experience that I was through about six years ago, while engaged in a responsibility. Although, I have moved on with openness to receive that experience as formative with some measure of inner restoration, that event is still active in the consciousness of some people.  

I felt comforted by the sight of the tree with its vibrant branch and the dried branch co-existing, giving an integrated view of life.  It is likely that each of us will come across different companions in our life's journey. Those who see the dried branch, those who see the alive branch and some who are able to see the tree in its flourishing entirety.

The Christmas season is a time in life, when the two realities that we live with can come together to give us the joy of life, knowing that the peeks and valleys of life are the journey path to 'increase in wisdom and stature..'!

I watched yesterday children play with an adult. How the adult 'reduced' himself to keep pace with children to give them a rich time of entertainment and play! I felt inspired to see how an adult had the ability and openness to see children as they are and adapt to their situation and give them the pleasure of exploration and activity! An adult subjecting himself to the rhythm and interest of children by being open and self giving!

Jesus grew up as a self giving person. The wisdom He grew up with  Him to engage with the teachers of the law at 12 years of age, when He went to the temple with His parents.  His formative experience included a mixture of events, beginning with the manger experience, fleeing to safety in the night and growing  up 'subjecting Himself to His parents'.  St Paul in his letter to the Philippians described this 'reducing' experience, in a moving way: '..although He existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond servant and being made in the likeness of men..' (Philip 2: 3-11).

While the acquisitive way is the popular path that most people feel inclined to grow up with, the other path is a denying path, where one chooses to live with realities that one comes across in life and receive them as the way are set before us. It is likely that some circumstances we grow up are beyond our modulation, while many are in the domain of choices we can make. 

It is when one realises that the choice one made was not the path that would allow growth in wisdom, one has the possibility to retrace steps and recalibrate the journey path. I feel comforted as I look back, that revision of choices were possible, and freedom from the strain associated with holding everything together was possible, when I was encountered truth beyond what was obvious.  

The mosaic of our inner ambience has a confluence of these two realities; reminded by one branch with scanty foliage and the other branches fully alive! 

To be able to receive life in that form of 'givenness' comes from the awareness and awakening to the reality of life and becoming open to be content with the different terrains in one's life!

What strikes any seeker in to the mystery of the life of Jesus of Nazareth is  the place of desert or wilderness in His life. Apart from forty days spent in  the wilderness before He commenced His public life, it was the habit of Jesus to go away alone to the mountain to pray, often before or after major life events in His life. 

The Christmas narration also includes this call to live life as given to us and yet choosing to act on the promptings received to fulfil the greater purpose of life. That was what Jospeh did, when he received the message to 'flee to Egypt in the night' with the child and His mother !

I returned from this sight of beholding a tree to receive the reality of cohesiveness and togetherness. I noticed the two branches and stayed meandering between them initially!

At the end of that meandering, what I encountered was a call to behold the tree and its aliveness ! A tree is larger than just a branch or a few branches!

One thief who was crucified with Jesus had the promise of the paradise experience, when he turned to Jesus! 

Life is such a gift to live in peace, hope and trust, looking unto God of our lives!

A few days later, I noticed a crow hovering over the dry twigs of of the tree. I noticed other crows also on the cluster of those dry twigs. I won't be surprised if a crow family would build a nest on those dry twigs. It occurred to me that the branches initially looking dry and redundant can also become a home for birds. 

I felt uplifted by this consciousness as every experience,  although one or two can initially appear to be out of place, can also be a nidus for  fulfilling journey in life!

So all experiences in life are finally redeemed by God to integrate life to become overflowing!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

26 December, 2024

Staying hidden!

A pair of Greater Coucal at day break, hidden in the foliage of a nutmeg tree! I happened to notice this on a few days last week. I wondered whether it is their location for the shelter at night ! They feel protected in the foliage! 

Jeus of Nazareth needed protection form being harmed by Herod, because of which Mary and Jospeh moved to Egypt. 

The symbolism of protection in Egypt came back to me on a few occasions during this week. For Jesus and family Egypt was a foreign land. They needed to stay hidden from being found out by Herod. When children below the age of two years were killed all over Judea, Joseph, Mary and Jesus sought shelter in a strange place which was not a familiar place to them. 

The shelter in an unfamiliar or inhospitable place!

What would have been hope giving for Joseph and family was the message they received from the angels about who their child was destined to be! Both Mary and Jospeh had visitations and messages. 

It was neither Bethlehem or Egypt which offered shelter or protection to Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus as a child was protected by God's watchful eyes on Him, for He was born as the fulfilment of prophecies and promises to people of Israel. 

The safety, security and stability which the material world offers are subject to many variables. And yet, like in the parable that Jesus spoke in a parable about a man, who had a rich harvest and rebuilt his barn to store the large produce of his field, and live happy for ever, the pursuit for material security drives humans to feel desperate to be secure. 

The prayer, 'Give us our daily bread' that Jesus included in the Lord's prayer gives us another view about life and living that we are called to consider!

For Joseph and family, the vulnerability to the threat to the life of Jesus  by Herod was real! 

Their safety did not come from the security of their family, familiar situations, or hospitable neighbourhood...! Jesus was safe because of God and His intervention in the life of Joseph and Mary. 

God is our shelter and refuge ! That is comforting and affirming! 

What comes home to me is how Jesus lived his early childhood hidden! 

Living hidden is also an experience necessary for the formative process in our lives! 

A seed remains hidden of its prospects to sprout, till it is planted in the soil!

The hidden living is to become complete and integrated as a person seasoned with grace and a calling!

The hidden living in a cocoon is essential for pupa to become a butterfly! 

There are times when we encounter a call to remain hidden. There are times when the situations around us enforce us to remain hidden. On both these occasions, it is not an experience of withdrawal but a time to  focus on the enlargement of inner life to become loving, gracious and caring!

That was what was written about Jesus after His experience of having been hidden as a child, 'Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God an men'(Luke 2:52).

The season of staying hidden is formative and transformative!

These thoughts arose out of watching a pair of Greater Coucal staying hidden in the foliage!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)