12 February, 2023

The Bird call at daybreak!

I have got used to the silence and stillness in the fading darkness of the early morning! What is often heard during that stillness is the bird call of Magpie Robins in our garden. They cannot be seen in the darkness, but heard distinctly with high pitch musical tones that would alert me to be still and listen! Now that I am familiar with this and heard the bird call after a break of several weeks, I moved in the direction of the bird call and waited for the dawn  to be able to spot the Magpie Robin. 

The coconut tree in the phots above, which got damaged when the lightning struck, is the tallest tree in the garden! The Magpie Robin was perched at the summit of that tree, and making its melodious bird call with short pauses in between, during which time it looked around! 

After a while it flew away and could not be seen amidst the foliage of trees. It did appear again perching on a cable closer to the boundary wall. That is when I got a closer view of this bird. 

The cock crows early in the morning. The Magpie Robin sings tunefully even before day break. The birds move between flight stations in the morning golden hour. These activities occur regularly.

What is special is that each of these experiences have a larger significance.  These birds are not often noticed as they appear to be like the fig tree in vineyard about which Jesus of Nazareth spoke in a parable, which is recorded in the Gospel of Luke chapter 13 verses 6 to 9. A fig tree in a vineyard did not have fruit! How can it bear fruit if it received only the same of care as given to the vineyard ! The fig tree needs another soil environment and climate to bear fruit. That is what the gardener offered to do for one year, when the owner decided to cut the fig tree for not bearing fruit. 

Some of us can feel lonely and not being fruitful as the environment is not conducive for us to be effective and fruitful. It is towards such people this parable was addressed to by Jesus of Nazareth. They too would receive attention and care in a special way from the 'gardener' of their lives and change their environment to bring more fruitfulness!

The Magpie Robin was awake before most birds and people in the neighbourhood. It sings as its habit!

To be present where we are positioned, however lonely or alone one might feel, is also a calling! People feeling alone and not being viewed as fruitful would also receive attention and acknowledgement in due season, as God of our lives are aware of us and would draw near to us sooner than later!

Till then singing before day break is what is still possible!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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