19 February, 2023

Life in the canvas of realities!

I decided to take in some sights and scenes on my way to work two days ago. So I set out earlier from home. 

The first sight that struck me on a misty morning was the migrant workers waiting to be picked up for work at a junction. That is where people would come looking for workers each morning. Usually I cross this junction by 7.45 am, by which time most people would have been hired and only a few would remain still hoping to be hired for the day. 

This sight brought to memory the parable of Jesus of Nazareth recorded in the New testament of the Bible, in the Gospel of Mathew Chapter 20, verses 1-16. It is the parable of a landowner who went out to hire labourers to his vineyard from early in the morning, third hour, sixth hour, ninth hour and eleventh hour. At the end of the day, all of them had received the same wages, which to me  till this day is a mind boggling puzzle. Late Dr Benjamin Pulimood, a former Principal and Director of the Christian Medical College of Vellore, once described this parable as an illustration of the ethos of distributive justice in the Kingdom of God, where everyone receives  mercifully and not according to one's  right to claim. Anna and I live in a state where entitlement is the ethos and mind set of the labour force. That is why there is an attitude of agitating for increasing the wages. In this parable, there is another perspective of the value system of 'enough for all' as against plenty for a few and less for the majority. It was a terrible news to hear the other day that the 10 percent of rich people in India control the 70 percent of the wealth in India. Ever since the present political leadership in India is in power for the second term, this tendency to promote wealth creation for the rich has gone uncontested. As I looked at the face of those labourers waiting to be employed, I saw a mixed emotion- an anticipation and fear, whether they would be employed or not! 

The next two photos reminded me of the routine of the senior citizens in the villages. They are the ones who go to fetch milk from the milk parlour early in the morning for their household. 

The third photo of a labourer going to work with his back pack, speaking on the telephone tells the existential story of people who live seeking for opportunities in life to make a living. The senior citizen in the photo with a walking stick tells another story of constraints and challenges associated with ageing. 

By then I was beginning to feel heavy of heart by feeling the strains and stresses in life of people all around us. That is when, I noticed the bush of flowers outside two houses on the way. This sight  lifted my spirit and brought some cheer and hope. We are people called to live with this hope of being accompanied by the goodness that is abundant!

As I was reaching the hospital, I knew that life offers opportunities and challenges. 

The first family whom I welcomed was a family from Canada, who came for a three week holiday to get help for their three years old son, who has a communication disorder. They felt burdened by his needs,  not having got the help he needed in their local health care setting. They feel consumed by helplessness even though, as well placed professionals they have the best that they can hope for. 

At the end of conversation with the family, what stayed with me is the void with which many go through life!

Whether it is the labourers who wait to be hired or the well placed professional who have social security, all of them have a common journey- to find contentment and consolation in life!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)



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