The soil allows plants to grow to give us bud, flower and fruit in due season. At one time all the above scenes of different stages of the life of a plant is visible in the garden.
The soil forms the life of plants and trees. The rain, sunshine, dew and snow make the soil rich and plant life possible.
A foetus becomes an infant and the infant goes through all the stages of life to become an adult because the family offers the provisions for his or her growth.
Who nourishes the family for the family to be such a hospitable giver for childhood and adulthood formation!
I am not sure if families receive conscious attention for it to be the cradle for human formation!
Even parenting receives some attention!
The family formation needs attention.
The fabric of family life is formed by the routines, rituals and roles, a family practices to nurture each person in the family.
I wish there is a weekly meeting in each family to share the experiences of the week and feel connected with the inner happenings while living through the events of the week!
It is in listening to each other and being open to the thoughts, aspirations and dreams of each person, the family life becomes relational and interdependent.
That is one way we feel drawn towards each other to stay mindful of each other!
M.C.Mathew ( text and photo)