31 July, 2024

Frozen or feeling!

On a rainy morning yesterday, I noticed a Bulbul and two parakeets in a posture, looking down on what is in their field of vision. 

I moved out into our garden during the short time, when it stopped raining. 

It was after seeing the news clippings of devastation that a landslide caused in the Malappuram district, where people lost their lives and houses. The landslide, occurring twice at night caused a colossal loss, with two residential areas devoid of any habitation, except for few partially damaged houses, making the land area looking submerged in soil and debris of uprooted trees. With a bridge and a road damaged, the access to rescue people and bring relief is restricted. 

Along  with this heart rending sights on the screen, came the clippings from the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, denigrating the Last Supper of Jesus of Nazareth, before He was crucified. The performers dressed most inappropriately used symbols and actions to despise the solemnity and sanctity of that self giving act of Jesus where He washed the feet of His disciples!

It was two days earlier, three people who were training for civil service examination in New Delhi died of drowning, when water flooded the library of the coaching centre, which was in the basement.  

I do not know what the birds in the photos above were looking for or seeing! They seem to feel in the way they are intense in looking!

Seeing them looking intently, I felt moved to look and see, rather stay frozen in apathy and shock!

I began to feel within me traces of grief over the unfathomable sorrow of people affected by the landslide. I felt sorrowful over the opening ceremony of Olympics,  which was turned into an occasion of despising the symbol of faith of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. I remembered the interview of a father, having lost his son in the drowning incident in Delhi given to the press, in which he said, 'I do not want to blame anybody for the flooding...I hope such things do not happen in future'.  Amidst this loss, he indicated a composure that moved and surprised me. 

A member of the Parliament, who earlier represented the Malappuram constituency, was interrupted by the Low Sabha speaker to cut short his brief reference on the landslide and loss of lives. I did not feel, that the speaker or most members of the parliament were touched by a devastation that affected hundreds of people. I wish there was a moment of silence to remember people in distress. The chairman of the Raja Sabha was kind to mention about what was being done by the government to hasten the rescue operation in Malappuram! He too did not allow time for the members of the house to express their grief! The majority of the members of both the houses of parliament did not seem to feel beyond hearing it as a news item! They were representatives of people, sent to the parliament to share the aspirations, needs and grief of people. Every mannerism and response of the ministers and the parliamentarians belonging to the ruling party, gave no indication of empathy or sensitivity! The political and social morality of politicians get expressed on such occasions to bring comfort and consolation to people in distress. There were some members of the parliament who felt and moved, but that was a small number. 

Do we live in a time, when glamour and sensational events alone receive attention! The fashion shows and performance of film artists are on the increase. The stories of human suffering get subsumed by deliberate planning to protect us from feeling and co-suffering!

I would have liked to walk around the garden for a longer time to connect with the uprising of thoughts within me! But the rain interrupted my walk.

The two sights below caught my attention while I was returning to the cottage. Two plants beside each other, both announcing the new life! They show a direction to the future!

The two buds above have a gestational period before they become flowers! Their defiance to overcome the inclement weather and other constraints awakened me to feel hopeful!

It is hope that enables us to feel sorrow, while experiencing the grief of others, because, a healthy community would share in the grief of others to offer support. It is hope which moves us to be self giving when others need help and attention. 

There was a family in the landslide affected area, who went around the neighbourhood to invite the families to move into their home, which was in a safer place. Even that house was flattened, but they escaped, as they moved out of the house, just before the water and soil washed away their house!

That good will gesture of offering their home to others is the sign of goodness abiding in human hearts! This is the reason for hope!

I feel the grief, I also hold on to hope!

What consoles me, is the statement of St Paul in I Corinthians 13: 13, "But now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love".

Anna mentioned to me in the evening yesterday, 'let us get a bag of clothes ready to send to families, who lost their homes in the landslide'!

The woman of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:10-16), had a feeling heart, because of which,  she provided food for Elijah, when she had just enough flour and oil left for a meal for her and her son, during the season of drought and famine!

Anna and I sung the hymn today, authored by John H. Newman, to encourage ourselves:

"Lead, kindly Light, amidst, the encircling gloom,
Lead, Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead, Thou me on!
Keep, Thou my feet, I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.."

According Rev C.F.Andrews, an Anglican presbyter, who was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, during the freedom struggle for independence, it was the above hymn on which Mahatma Gandhi meditated and sang during the regular evening prayer in his ashram.

The moral landscape of India is changing, where neighbourly feeling is less strong.  The political climate is linked to holding on to power, and not being altruistic. The social climate is one of personal material prosperity and not of equity. 

There fore 'the night is dark....'

The triumphant note or the epiphany in the hymn above, is 'one step enough for me'! That is the pathway for those in pilgrim journey!

The call to live by, hope, faith and love resonates with me!

Even the butterfly finds its daily nectar in a flower during the rainy spell!

Even the birds of the air find food, during the season of heavy rain!

That is the certainty of hope, 'He who keeps you will not slumber...'(Psalm 121:3)

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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