01 July, 2024

Between flowers !

The golden hours of the morning and evening are the suitable time to watch bird movements. 

In between the rain is the time to watch for movements of the butterflies. 

After summer, the butterflies are back in the garden and I counted ten different varieties of them on one day. 

They move between flowers in a hurry. It is seldom I noticed them otherwise. 

The two butterflies below were an exception. They remained glued to one flower during the twenty minutes I was in the garden.

This brought the difference between activity and pause for me to ponder upon. I have noticed that other butterflies also pause between their movements and flutter. 

Between the frenzy activities create because of the hurry with which we engage in them, and the short periods of pause, a transition takes place within. That transition is supposed to be a means of becoming. present to oneself. 

An activity is need based and takes us farther away from our inner being. When we pause we arrive to be present to ourself, which offers time for recollection, reflection and composure. 

I needed a reminder about the rhythm of activity and pause, as I felt pressured by the engagements I have for the next two days. Even when there was the threat of next rainy spell, the two butterflies paused to be quietly present. That is their way of living rhythmically.

I returned to my table carrying these thoughts of the essential requirement of living in touch oneself! When we pause, we return to be ourself!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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