05 July, 2024

The New life!

The golden hour of the morning for photography in our garden yesterday was misty with drizzle in between. That did not stop the birds from their special engagements. 

A male Sunbird was tunefully singing; a Myna was chirping from the tree looking towards another one in the lawn below and joining it on the lawn and a Greater Coucal with a worm between its beaks was arriving at its nest to feed its chick. The greater Coucal returned with a second helping of feed to its chick.

I thought the three birds gave away through their behaviour three phases in the  life span of  birds- calling for partner, time of courtship and the formation of a new family. 

I felt refreshed by seeing such sights right in front of my eyes in our garden, where avian life is lived with its full spectrum of physiological transition. 

I also felt good that our garden is a home for birds to be themselves and feel protected to pursue the call to be and become. 

Life begets life. In the original creation narrative in the book of Genesis of the Bible, the garden of Eden was the setting when a man and woman found their home to build a family. 

That beginning had set the trend for the life to progress into fullness to become families on earth. 

Anna and I witness avian lives lived and formed into families in our garden!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful and insightful reflection on the natural world around you! Your observations bring to mind the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:26: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

    Your description of the Sunbird, Myna, and Greater Coucal encapsulates the beauty and simplicity of God's creation. Each bird's behavior, from calling for a partner to nurturing its young, mirrors the cycles of life that we also experience. This connection to nature reminds us of the divine order and care that God has instilled in all of creation.

    Reflecting on the Genesis narrative, it's heartwarming to see your garden as a microcosm of the Garden of Eden—a place where life flourishes, families are formed, and creatures find their home. Genesis 2:8 says, "Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed." Your garden, much like Eden, is a sanctuary where the beauty of life and God's providence is evident.

    Your garden not only serves as a haven for birds but also as a reminder to us of the peace and provision that God offers. It's a testament to the continuous cycle of life that God initiated, and it encourages us to appreciate and nurture the life around us.

    Thank you for sharing this serene and reflective moment. It’s a beautiful reminder of the simple joys and profound truths found in observing God’s creation.
