12 July, 2024

Being oneself!


It is seldom, I get an opportunity to watch a sunbird perched in bare branch, engaged in its morning ritual of body grooming. Sunbirds hide in the foliage and are quick in their movements that it is not easy to capture their quick moves in photos. 

Following rainy days the sun was shining and birds looked forward to sunbathing. It was perhaps one of those occasions when the sunbird found this bare tree for its morning ritual, while other birds were frolicking in the garden. 

I wondered at one stage if the sunbird would abandon its perch and fly away when Magpie robins arrived on the same tree. 

What happened at the end about five minutes was a loud bird call and its departure high into the sky to look for a tall tree with foliage. 

The sunbirds are regular visitors in the garden. The arrive around the mid day when other bird movements are less. They like their privacy and move between flowers for gathering the nectar. 

The sunbirds find their space and opportunity to be themselves. They cannot be other than themselves because of their size, habits and habitat. 

When the outgoing Prime Minister of the Great Britain, while bidding farewell to the nation, having the lost the majority for the Conservative Party, said to his party colleagues, 'I am sorry'. He did not give excuses to condone the loss. He accepted responsibility and offered to step down from leading the party. Mr Rishi Sunak was himself. Those two words of confession revealed his character- honestly apologetic for his role for lapses.  He is generally a man of few words, more British in his language style and political courtesy than a native British. He inherited the leadership of Conservative Party at a difficult time and during his tenure of 20 months as the Prime Minister, Britain was amidst several challenges. His decision to call for a snap election ahead of the normal time was probably ill conceived. But he sensed the need for a referendum on his policies to be more politically empowered. But the British chose the Labour Party to rule the country after 14 years. I salute and honour the former Prime Minister to agree to be the opposition leader in the Parliament. That is a testimony to his undiminished self esteem. The transition of leadership was smooth and cordial that it was a contrast to what happened following the election in India a month ago. 

The diversity that we create by being ourselves is what makes Homo sapiens to be fraternal, relational and cohesive. The hostility we witness among people on account of differences has risen to an alarming level. The intolerance and dominant attitude is our social cancer. I cannot think how a former president of the USA currently campaigning to contest the forthcoming election, can proclaim to be self righteous, when he carries a baggage of several ills economically, morally, and behaviourally for which he is facing court proceedings!

The sunbird chose its quiet presence in our garden and behaved to be itself. Its meticulous attention to its body grooming was an indication of its intent for wellness. 

An individual is well when he or she lives conscious of what he or she is called to be and allow others their space to be themselves. That is the beginning of an altruistic ambience for human relationships.  

Each of us has a song to sing or a message of hope to share! That is what shall contribute to make us live connectedly! That is the journey towards our human formation individually and collectively!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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