08 July, 2024

The transition of hope !

The new British Parliament members were elected last week. Let me send the above flowers from our garden to all the elected members, the new Prime Minister and the outgoing members and the Prime Minister. 

The United Kingdom now has a King and a new Prime Minister, when the world is pulling in different directions militarily, economically, socially and culturally. We live in a polarised world. The people's aspirations and the political aspirations of the political masters do not often match.

The United Kingdom was a home for people of moderate views towards people in the developing world that it went beyond the common wealth of nations to support their development pursuit. The opportunity Britain offered to people from other countries to have advanced educational opportunities was a path finder for nations to have their human resources well trained to address the needs in their own country.

I benefitted from a scholarship London University offered me to get trained in child development and rehabilitation in 1986. There would be thousands in India who have had similar opportunities since our independence. It is a home for thousands of Indians who work and live for two or three generations. The National Health Service of Britain continues to offer opportunities for doctors, nurses and allied health professionals to migrate to Britain. 

The United Kingdom having left the European Union has to reinvent itself in its role as a moral leader for practicing social equity, distributive justice, racial tolerance and communal harmony. The conflict in Israel-Palestine region, Russian-Ukraine region and the dominance of right wing forces in France come up as issues for which Britain to has to take a stand. Its immigrant's pressure is overwhelming. 

The monarchy in Britain has been an example of how democracy flourishes with acceptance and mutuality.  

Some of the good friends we have had for forty five years, live in Britain. We benefitted from their hospitality. On one occasion Anna and I were able to sit in the gallery of the house, when the Prime Minister was giving his weekly address to the House of Commons. That gave us an idea of the rich heritage the parliamentary democracy in Britain offers to the rest of the world.  

Anna and I recall the short and long periods we spent in the United Kingdom and want to offer the new political leadership our good wishes to lead the nation to a new path of wellness for people. The United Kingdom escaped the decline, the United States of America faced in its leadership role due to the inherent contradiction that it could not resolve. The Great Britain is still in an advantaged position to lead and influence the affairs of the world, as its leadership is open, receptive and accommodative of interests with  tolerance and appreciation. 

Sir Christopher Wren, an architect of repute, while involved in the design and building St Paul's cathedral in London, asked three bricklayers a question on one day: 'What are you doing'. The first one said, 'I am laying bricks'; the second said, 'I am building a wall' and the third said, 'I am a cathedral builder, building it for the Almighty'!

May the leadership of Britain be such visionaries, who would labour to make Britain a country, where people live as neighbours in harmony!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)


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