22 July, 2024

Vulnerable as well as secure!

I noticed two Bulbuls perched, not far from each other, one on a banana leaf and the outer one on a branch of a tree. 

The banana leaf kept swaying in the wind and the Bulbul balanced itself in that movement. The other Bulbul had a firm grip in the branch. 

The birds need both experiences. They choose to learn balancing which is an essential part of the flight movements. They also need to rest to be flight ready, which is when they choose a firm grip to be perched. 

I thought about the two contrasting ways Bulbuls live- vulnerable and secure!

The Barbets normally look for solid branches for their perch. They are heavier birds and they take off and land with a thrust. 

The habits and behaviours of birds differ. They choose the way, that they are conditioned. 

I felt inclined to feel comfortable with the Bulbul way- their habits carry a mixture of vulnerable and secure perch. They therefore are more flexible. 

It is when we relate to others this question surfaces seriously. How much  I am willing to accept another way of thinking or behaviour or belief system or attitude and practice in life! 

If I am willing to accept vulnerability of being misunderstood, criticised, or disregarded, then I have more chance of being formed to allow space for others who are different. 

The marital harmony gets compromised when a couple is less flexible and open to each other. 

We have our vulnerable experiences; we also need to find our comfort zone of security to live and relate. 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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