24 July, 2024

Too big a mouthful !

During the recent three weeks of incessant rain, many birds came to our feeding corner in the garden to get their feed. It was an orderly activity with each bird feeding from the bowl and flying away, allowing other birds to come to feed. Sometimes they were found feeding together. 

I noticed a Barbet  taking a large mouthful of banana from the feeding bowl and flying away to be perched on a cable. It struggled to swallow a large mouthful. It flew away with the food between its beaks. 

Later I noticed a Bulbul having a Rambutan fruit too large for it to swallow!

What held my attention was the parakeet below, feeding on a Rambutan fruit, biting small portions and having its meal comfortably and delightfully

As I observed three patterns of feeding behaviour birds, I got a glimpse of the habits they practice. 

Most birds feed together, taking enough and moving away to let other birds feed. 

A few birds take too large a mouthful that they struggle to swallow the feed. 

Another pattern was taking small bites comfortable enough to swallow easily.  

There might be other patterns of feeding behaviour!

The media has a fancy to report on the life style of millionaires, reporting on their car collections, mansions, holiday resorts, interiors of their homes and even the personal belongings such as the watches and foot wear they wear. I suppose this attitude to project, how who have plenty, is a natural consequence of a mindset of acquisitiveness. 

A parent told me that in schools, the teenage children congregate into groups based on the social class they come from. 

The lure for luxury is instilled in children's mind from early days from the example of indulgent life style their parents pursue!

I was moved to hear a seven year old boy wanting to have least celebration on his birthday. He wanted his parents to help two children in the neighbourhood, whose parents have many difficulties to provide for their needs. The family with their son visited both children with bagful of toys and books on his birthday. Children carry mindful behaviour; as we grow up, it seems we get carried away by a consumer mind set. 

To so live that we carry the needs of others in our consciousness, is a calling and vocation!

The feeding behaviour of most birds was to take what they need and not be acquisitive to deny others their portion of feed! I wish the 'takers' will also become 'givers'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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