20 July, 2024

A woodpecker's search!

When a Woodpecker looks for its feed in places other than the usual, it can be a message of scarcity of food. It might be a sign of not finding enough food elsewhere. The Woodpeckers are climbers who would climb a coconut palm, feeding along the way upwards till it would reach the top of the coconut palm for gathering more insects. With incessant rain, the insects would have been washed away. 

The avian world is a stressful world. They remain vulnerable to different changes in the environment. 

A technician who came to replace our modem yesterday, which has been erratic for a while, told me how difficult it is to make both ends meet. He was the only technician for about five years in our village. Now there are five others, competing to find job. The breakdown in the cable net work is much less than before with the fibre optic technology. The normal job opportunity has declined. He has now moved on to attend to maintenance requests for Television viewers. Even then he is not able to match with the earlier income. His father who too was in this field has recently taken up a job as a driver for the school bus in our village to supplement the income. 

Is there any limit to extravagant living of those who have enough and more income to live indulgently? 

I was told that there is waiting time for luxurious cars in the market. The life style changes make our environment look artificial.

A neighbour who came with his son, who has had fever for ten days told me that he came to clarify some doubts, as doctors in the hospital appeared to be in a hurry to entertain any questions. At the end of that meeting I felt that people live stressfully and strivingly. 

The Woodpecker reminded me that it too faces the stress of existence. A neighbour told me that his neighbour would loose his house for having failed to pay back the bank loan. 

While speaking to a regular church goer, I felt encouraged by the efforts of that congregation to reach out to people in need, in the neighbourhood during the time of their illness. A taxi driver benefits from the gifts from a company, to pay for the renal dialysis of his wife three times a week. 

This way of living with socially consciousness is what would bring relief to people who feel pushed to stressful states!

Looking out for people in need, is what can make our life neighbour friendly!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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