17 July, 2024

Following the rain fall !

I noticed some birds perched in different places, when I walked into our garden, after a heavy rain fall. The birds were drying their bodies and grooming the feathers for the next flight move. 

After a while I saw the movement of some birds towards the feeding bowl in the garden. 

When I turned to the plants, what captured me was the two plumeria flowers, bright and fresh symbolising the joy in spite of  the incessant rain, on a day when we have had to manage without electricity for 24 hours. 

The wet birds drying themselves became a sign that there is something more beyond the rain! It might be sunshine or rain. But there is something to get ready for!

 I liked the way some Bulbuls fed themselves during the in between time! They specialise in staying ready!

That is living- vigilantly, responsibly and actively!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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