13 July, 2024

The Sunbird creators!

In the book, The Creator's Code, The six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, By Amy Wilkinson, one skill is attributed to the habit of Sunbirds. A Sunbird while visiting flower after flower for gathering its nectar, pollinates the flowers to bear fruits. It brings the pollens to a flower and moves on to another. 'They fly from bud to bud, transferring pollen between flowers' .

The business skill is described as  sunbird creation. "Sunbirds transport solutions from one place to another to meet the needs of another"(p 19).

The Starbucks borrowed the idea of expresso bar from Milan. Its CEO Mr Howard Schultz, while travelling in Italy noticed local people coming to cafe's to drink expresso coffee, making it a place of conversation and communication. The Americans used to have the coffee habit confined to meal times. With the Starbucks coffee bars, Mr Schultz changed the habit of Americans by giving them a warm and friendly coffee bars to come to meet with each other. It was an alternative to many who were waiting, for an alternative to Beer parlours. It was a Sunbird creation

The Sunbird leap in business, is all about applying available solutions in one domain and transferring it to another field using its application. The Sunbirders in business are known to be original in thinking and lateral in exploration. 

The above phots of the Sunbirds in our garden were taken yesterday. It was later in the day, I happened to pick up the book above to read something about the recent original discoveries in the business world. It was more than a delight to find the Sunbird model practiced in the business world. I like a phrase used in the book, 'Architects start looking for what is not there'(p29). The Sunbirders look for what is there, which can be used in another context.

It was a pleasant surprise to discover a business practice attributed to a family of small birds, who visit flowers to gather nectar!  

M.C.Matthew(text and photo)


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