17 July, 2024

Becoming mindful of the 'gap'!

I noticed the above sights in our garden yesterday, when it rained most of the day. 

The plants looked soaked and drooping. The rose bush in the first photo showed a resilient appearance. Both flowers below that looked soaked, having lost their normal elegant look. The Butterfly looked well. The two bulbuls needed our feeding bowl for their daily bread. 

It was while listening to a person on phone yesterday about, how some events in succession,  caused considerable derailment to the daily rhythm of wellness, I was reminded of the helplessness that people face at such times.  

Three volunteers, college students, move about in their vehicle to look out for people in the rural areas to distribute food packets. Their message is to remember those who feel helpless as they do not have a job to go to, or remain affected by water logging, or have sick people at home. 

Our electric supply has been disrupted for 36 hours now due to the damage to the power lines by fallen trees. Returning to use candle light as the standby supply also failed at night, gave us a feeling of the limitations caused by reduced facility. I missed the morning machine brewed coffee,  The power banks have kept us going in being able to use the phone and access to the wireless net work. If the electric supply is not restored by mid day, even that reserve would fail. 

I wonder how people live in temporary shelters in Manipur, Palestinian territory, and in Ukraine where the war is intense!

The extravagant display of wealth, fancy, glamour, entertainment and lavish style of exhibition of attire,  in the financial capital city in India in connection with a marriage, in a rich businessman's family currently going on for three days, is a contrast to the harsh realities above. The attention and news coverage it received alarmed me!

In a consumer oriented society, the inclination is to seek plenty for oneself. Jesus of Nazareth spoke a parable about a rich man, who planned to pull down his barns to make a larger one to store grain following a good harvest. This is natural. On the other side is the disturbing reality of the 'have nots' waiting for their daily meal!

The birds return during this rainy week to the feeding bowl three times a day; the Magpie robins find shelter in our rear veranda for their night halt and the Bulbuls come to our kitchen area to remind us to fill the feeding bowl! All because of rain and the wet conditions which threaten their wellness!

The above stress is a daily struggle to good number of people even in usual circumstances. 

The politicians speak of making the economy 'world class', which benefits the creamy layer, while the many people at the bottom of the population pyramid, wait for their daily bread. The unemployment of the youth in India is bordering to thirty five percent is an alarming situation.

The rain and the sights above bring me back to the basic existential questions, for which the well to do have to offer a response!  What is in my hand that I can give away! 

Anna and I, wonder what  can we offer, as retired professionals- our time to listen to others and share our thoughts to encourage them! We are learning to be proactive to carry others in our thoughts !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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