21 July, 2024

Recovery of plants!

After about ten days of rain that dampened the buds and flowers in our garden, the plants looked more alive yesterday after the rain ceased!

The gift of flowers and the mood of celebration they bring!

Dulcie followed me all along my walk and stopped to watch me take photographs.  She was happy to walk on dry ground. For a week, she was reluctant to be outdoor! She joined Anna and me yesterday evening to pluck the Rambutan fruits. I wondered what she saw, while she sat watching us! For Dulcie and Daphne, the last two days without rain, allowed them to move around in the garden! I was amazed how they longed to be back in the sites in our garden where they regularly visit!

The long week end outing into the garden seemed to revive the mood of both dogs just as it did for us !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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