15 July, 2024

The Three butterflies !

Following the arrival of a honey bee on the second flower, the butterfly and the bee left the flower. A third butterfly arrived on the same flower. The butterfly and the honey bee were looking for the same nectar. There were other flowers in the garden, but the honey bee came to the flower where the butterfly was already feeding on the nectar.  The butterfly left and the honey bee also did the same.  Both did not benefit. 

The three butterflies and the and the three or four bees spent the next half an hour moving between flowers. There were few occasions when a bee interrupted a butterfly while gathering the nectar. 

When I stood outside our door in the courtyard while it was still dark this morning, I noticed the shadow of my body on the ground, created by the light shining from behind form the kennel of Daphne. The life size shadow on the ground caught my attention. I stood watching the shadow. It had a distinct contour of the body from which I could recognise myself. 

What was in this shadow!  It represented all that I am! The conversation that St Paul had with himself as recorded in the Book of Romans.7: 15 came to my mind. 'For that which  I am doing, I do not understand; for I am practicing which I would not like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate'. This is the dichotomy of action while the consciousness of the light and darkness co-existed in his mind. What is good and otherwise, was known, and yet, the traction to do what was not so desirable was a habit that he was struggling with. 

This the two conflicting positions of our nature are represented in our shadow. 

The nature of reconciliation was not evident in the behaviour of the honey bee and the butterfly. 

There were seasons in my life, following some difficult experiences, the shadow became akin to a baggage of acts of commission and omission. What brought me out of a melancholic experience was an awakening about life, which was still before me to pursue the path of going about, doing good as much as possible. 

The flower remains as a symbol of receiving and giving. It actually offers itself to the bee and the butterfly alike. The flowers creates an opportunity for the bee and the butterfly to behave differently towards each other. 

The nature of the receiving and giving God offers the opportunity to feel received, even when one is on a journey of integrating the shadow and self into a synergy. 

I listened to the story of a young professional who felt swayed by a few questioning his integrity. The memory of the harrowing experience was still hurting. The shadow took precedence in such occasions and subdued the inner wellness. The consciousness of goodness within and the recollections of the merciful God carrying us on such occasions, often become the only anchor. 

This too is part of the journey towards 'human becoming'. The life within is not just the chronological years, but an expanse of the experiences, which create the inner fabric of a tapestry to give us a glimpse of the mystery, 'I am fearfully and wonderfully made'!

Returning to this God of love just as we are, 'in whom we live, move and have our being' is that inward journey experience, which makes life, a movement forward towards becoming ourselves!

The receiving flower and awaiting God for those who turn to Him ! The shadow and self make us truly human! This message stays on within! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sir and Dr Anna! I'm so glad I discovered this blog. I love reading about your posts. I especially
    love the sunbird photograph. We have a few over here too. Sending you my regards from a wintery Johannesburg!
