01 August, 2024

The ambience of Peace !


I happened to notice two Bulbuls looking into the feeding bowl, with no food left for them. The above photos of the birds during their morning meal around 6.30 am in our garden, was a sight of a family meal time, with birds chirping to each other and feeding heartily. The communicative behaviour was striking. 

I noticed three confrontational behaviours yesterday. 

The first was the Home minister of India, blaming the government of Kerala in the parliament, for not taking due precautions to prevent the landslide in the Malappuram district in Kerala. He said this on a day, when rescue operations were active and people trapped in the soil were still being rescued. There were over 200 hundred dead bodies and another 200 or more are still missing. I wish the Home minister of India had a sense of social psychology, to feel with those who are in pain and distress, rather than use the occasion to point fingers at others. Who has control over natural disasters! The comments of the Home minister to me showed a shallow perception of human loss and grief! The Chief minister of Kerala, instead of postponing a response to another occasion, hurried to deny what the Home minister declared. A confrontal engagement instead of a collaborative and soulful response to human loss! 

The second was the 'tooth for tooth' approach between the two presidential candidates in the USA. One attired himself in a masculine role of arrogance and condescension and the other accusing the other referring to his biography of misdeeds. For goodness sake, I hope both candidates would propose a plan of service to their nation and the international community during their term in the office. In a post-truth political climate, it is natural to hit below the belt ; but I hope that they remind themselves of their lineage, originating in Abraham Lincoln, for whom others mattered. How much do the candidates think of being custodians of democracy by being civil, regardful and conduct themselves to honour the dignity of the office they aspire to occupy!

The Israeli position of jubilation for having killed the Hamas leader is provoking the neighbours to be even more hostile. Violence begets violence. Who among the nations pauses to think of  civil rights to allow people to live peacefully! The political ambition of control and authoritarian view of domination are inconsistent with people friendly governance!

The birds showed me how they behave in adverse situation. It was raining almost continuously for three days. The birds would not have had enough found during the rainy spell. The hungry birds were accommodative of each other. When the last two birds had no more food left, they waited there patiently till they were also given food. 

Let us create space for peace! No situation is so hopeless that we need to hurry to be confrontational. 

The response of Jesus of Nazareth, when a crowd was about to stone a woman who was involved in adultery was, 'He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone'! Hearing this, people left one after the other. When the woman was left alone, Jesus sent her away, saying: 'Neither do I condemn you, go your way. From now on sin no more' (John 8:1-11).

There is another way. That is the avian way. Relate fraternally; think collaboratively and act mindfully!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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