06 August, 2024

Meal time conversations !

The avian meal time is not just an occasion for consuming food, but is a time to pause in between to be in touch with each other. I picked up this habit of birds rather recently, since I began noticing them in the feeding corner, two or three times in a day. It was only occasional that feeding alone was the practice of the birds. A regular pause to chirp to each other was common. There was listening and receiving. The turn taking to chirp was a bit!

Is it hunger alone that takes us to the meal table! I hope not! 

It is one time when a family is together, sitting around to receive the gift of food, the effort of the person who cooked the meal and served. 

I remember seeing in some homes, where they look around each other and greet and wish a good meal time at the commencement of the meal time. After the initial food related conversation is over, the conversation turns out to be a story time. I remember children asking parents about their childhood or something connected to their lives and parents asking questions to children to share about a birthday event or an outing, or a sports event. 

Some families begin the meal time with a song to give thanks or a prayer of thanksgiving and end with a song!

Listening to the meal time conversation at different homes, when Anna and I were guests in other homes, I received a sense of nearness a meal time brought in the home. 

The family prayer times and meal times are occasions to be together. To be together means to be present to each other. I know of people who do not allow any interruptions to that family time, even a telephone call. 

A meal time is an occasion to honour each person and become connected through what we say or hear. The meal time communication between those present is deeper in meaning and purpose than the usual social occasions, because, a meal time is a time of sharing a common meal with each other. The food which we receive into our plate is the same for every person. That is symbolic of what is common between us. 

We have so much in common, from which we share with each other to affirm that we are nourished by the sense of nearness and togetherness. A meal time is an occasion to be conscious that we eat a common meal symbolising the relational experience in our life's common journey! 

Someone commented that most of my blog posts are related to avian life and practices. I feel that birds bring something fresh to think about from their behaviour. They are feathered friends ! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making us all aware of that connection between humans and other living creatures on this planet. Just proves there is a language beyond words if only we are able to listen with our hearts. Avian life has taught us all so much, thanks to you for being the translator.
