05 August, 2024

The open Butter cups!

On a rainy day, the butter cups in our garden opened around 10 am, unlike about 8 in the morning. I wondered how long they would stay open on a cloudy and rainy day! 

While I stayed watching the flowers looking bright, colourful and fully open, a butterfly came searching for its nectar feed. 

It moved from flower to flower and flew away into the sky and disappeared from view. 

A flower has something to offer to a butterfly!

This happened in the morning, on the second day of the landslide in Wayanad, when more disturbing news about greater loss to human lives and houses were tricking in. 

There was information trickling in about civic response to this distressing situation. Some volunteered to join the rescue team, a kitchen was set up to offer meals to the rescue workers, vehicles which can be used in a marshy terrain were offered for the rescue operation, public places were getting ready to welcome to set up relief camps for those who lost their homes. 

At the end of the week, the news is all about, how people help in different ways are coming forward to support those who are displaced and have no place of their own to return to. 

The openness of people in the community to be a support and hope for those who are in grief and loss, brings hope about kindness that resides in human hearts!

The Buttercups were open to the Butterfly; human hearts are open to those in despair! 

I wish this kindness would bring a people's movement to rehabilitate about six hundred or so families, who have no houses to return to or belongings left to survive on. The stories of people who lost gold, money and all their household possessions are too disturbing as they were lower middle class people who stored these to educate  or marry their children!

Amidst this story of distress, there are stories of mindfulness, which are  striking beacons of hope, when the trend in the society is selfish pursuit after material prosperity!

I wish the buttercups in the first photo would be a symbol of the civil society, ready and open to be a resource for recovery all those who are displaced and are sin despair!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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