30 August, 2024

A sun bird pair !

A pair of sun birds was frolicking between their morning flight stations. I noticed one of them, coming to the shrub in our courtyard and engaged in detailed body grooming. 

That was when it started to drizzle. The sunbird in my visibility made a few bird calls and the other one came flying in to be perched beside it (Photo 3). 

The down pour became heavier and both of them moved to take shelter in the foliage of the adjacent Rambutan tree. During the next ten minutes, till the heavy down pour turned into a dazzle, I found both of them perched in the shelter. When it was only a drizzle both of them flew away to a distant place.

It was a sight of an unusual experience, how there is a live communication between a pairr of sunbirds, although away from each other.  The bird calls were louder and longer, different from the usual short musical chirps in normal times. 

There was a language of messaging and a corresponding response to bring comfort. 

To me it was an experience to know something more about bird behaviour. There is a communication wavelength which two of them shared to know each other's needs. 

To be in communication shall also mean to be in communion as both of them stayed together during that spell of rain!

To me this was a symbol of language of the heart-feeling and responding!

It is a feeling person, who labours to find  his wellness, in seeing others live fulfilled and integrated!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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