25 August, 2024

The evening ritual!

I look out for birds in the evening to get a closer view of their rituals. After they completed their grooming, which in itself is a prolonged ritual, some birds have a family time of quiet presence in a communicative orientation. 

Whenever possible I keep watching this sight, as it is bird behaviour different from their usual behaviour of flight ready body orientation. During this ritual immersed in silence, they transact a lot through their reciprocal look. There is giving and receiving in this gesture. 

Before dusk sets in, most birds would have moved to their perching stations for the night. The garden is still without flight movements and chirps before the night falls. 

Every time I watch birds in this composure, I wonder about the emotional tone they communicate to each other. They affirm their togetherness and renew their belonging. It is probably a daily ritual. 

I remember listening to a senior couple, who described practicing silence after the evening meal, as a ritual to feel the nearness to each other emotionally! Often they break the silence with a word or two to express gratitude to each other. They turned their silent time to carry each other in their heart and feel drawn towards each other to experience the joy of the gift of each other and the delight in shared living experiences. 

I like the way the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes in chapter 3: verses12 and 13 describes this experience: 'I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice to do good in one's life time; moreover, that everyman who eats and drinks sees good in all his labour-it is the gift of God'! 

The celebration of the gift of life!

I find the avian behaviour pointing to this consciousness to treasure!

I sometimes feel that the mood of anger rules human hearts. In Proverbs 20:33, there is a reference to 'churning of anger producing strife'! 

We need to diffuse the effect of such a conditioning that prevails around us, by practising different rituals to fill our consciousness with love that endures, gives and forgives!


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