16 August, 2024

The silent presence!

I watched the above pair of Bulbuls in silent communication, while perched in a secluded branch, hidden from easy visibility. Its presence to each other appeared to be a special time, as they stayed in that attitude for a while. It appeared to be a habit Bulbul birds during courtship. 

A little distance away a pair of Barbets was also in a communicative  process. They both stayed looking in one direction, probably to chart out their next move towards another flight station.  What surprised me was how one Barbet got engaged in bird calls to which the other Barbet gave full attention by turning towards the other Barbet. 

The communication of silence and vocalisation!

These two modes of communication seem to be common to birds. 

I have often wondered if the birds vocalise to each other, during courtship,  after having been silent for a while! I noticed this pattern sometimes. 

The silent time is an occasion to arrive to be present. We bring our  body to stillness, mind to settle down from its flighty journey and orientate towards what is in focus. 

I remember occasions when conversations, while discussing some important matters, seemed to get scattered without convergence on an opinion. When there is a short spell of silence, following which when the conversation restarts, there is a re-orientation of thoughts to have a convergence. The discussion received a new impetus to stay focussed following a silent pause. 

Most birds use, sounds, chirps, calls, gestures of body and movement to be physically close or distant to communicate with each other. They calibrate between emotional nearness and distance, which get expressed in their behaviour. 

I feel that, it is common to humans as well. We calibrate how and what we speak based on how we feel towards those with whom we are in communication. When there is an emotional nearness of respect, regard, and trust, then communication will have flavour of appreciation, affirmation and acceptance. It is when we receive a person, the language of communication creates an ambience of comfort. 

Even when we debate on issues that have different perspectives, the verbal communication can be comforting and not confrontational, even when difference in the opinions surface.  

The tendency to be louder to impose an opinion or using harsh language to express an opinion, or ungenerously criticise other opinions, does not lead us to find consensus or convergence of opinion.  

On such occasions, when we can have silence of about three to five minutes, most of us would unwind ourselves from the spiralling self pursuit to be forceful with our point of view. Any discussion is to create a fabric of opinions, which then shall emerge as an enlightenment to choose the way forward. 

I recall many instances when short corporate silence time, during discussions brought coherence and convergence!

Silence is magical. It awakens us to be patient, gentle, attentive, mindful, centred and humble! It is while in silence, we become drawn towards God, who is silently present within !

The language of interior silence brings inner renewal!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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