03 August, 2024

Tearful and Drooping!

I heard a fluttering sound in the tree in front of our cottage in the mid morning, shortly after a heavy downpour. I saw an Oriole struggling to fly, but could not lift its body up. I wondered whether it was injured. The cloudy mid day till then, suddenly  received sunlight. It was in the sunshine, the Oriole was grooming its body and shaking its wings to dry them. That is why I guessed that it was soaked in rain and could not lift its body with wet wings. The dry spell lasted a while, while the sun was shining. When I returned to look for the Oriole, it was perched, looking dry, elegant and flight ready in another nearby location.  I felt good that it was not injured!

After watching this scene, which had a suspense for a while about an injured Oriole, I looked around. That was when I noticed the tearful spider Lily and the drooping rose flower!

I kept wondering about the message that this scene brought to me. This happened shortly after I saw and heard a reporter, showing the photo of a seven year old boy carrying his 40 day old brother, now in a relief camp after the Wayanad landslide. 

Following the landslide, this boy in the fury of flood water, saw his house getting washed away, taking away his parents.  He held on to his sleeping bother. He too was washed away. He could get a hold to stay. When the day broke he found his way down, where there were some people, who had gathered to stay safe. They received the brothers with kindness and care. 

I thought that the tearful spider lily and drooping rose were paying their delightful tribute to this seven year old boy, to honour his courage and sense of presence amidst his loss and grief! This boy surprised me  by his courage amidst a harrowing time in the night, when he faced an outer and inner darkness ! He saved his brother while he struggled to negotiate his path. 

Such stories are rare and exceptional. When I watched this boy carrying his brother in his arms, his face looked serene, although the eyes looked heavy of anguish. 

An Oriole stranded for a while and a seven year old boy and his forty day old brother stranded for life!

There were few voices of reason yesterday from wise people who paused a question: This is the second landslide in this mountain range in seven years. Is it not time to pay attention to the precipitating factor?' 

The natures brings its resonances of its history. A reporter suggested that this mountain range was used for mining in the hope of finding gold about hundred years ago! His question was, 'is this landslide a resonance of nature's fury, for the exploitation it suffered'!

They are searching questions, which can wait for a while till something more is done for those who live in the relief camps!

The offer, from philanthropists to build houses and help people to rebuild their life brings hope!

As I was walking back to our cottage, I noticed this Tit quietly and safely perched under the foliage of a bush ! It is secure between the branches. It's security is an experience, amidst wind and rain! 

That brought renewed hope !

Life on earth is a pilgrimage through the ordeals to live radiantly!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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