03 August, 2024

Waiting for sunshine!

It was while watching this Kingfisher soaked in rain yesterday, perched at the edge of our garden on a cable, the news of the landslide in Wayanad returned to me with an inner upheaval. The Kingfishers are the most immaculately groomed birds with a colour complexion which would make you admire it. Now the Kingfisher looked dishevelled and not in a position to fly till dry and well groomed. 

I wondered for three days, how Anna and I can be involved in supporting children who are in relief camps now, after they lost their home, or some their loved ones in the landslide in Wayanad early this week. 

One step that is  possible is to revive the blog, which was dormant for a while to share thoughts on grief, loss, and  bereavement support for children. 

I shall use that blog to share thoughts on engaging children to promote child development and emotional healing. Professionals who are involved in responding to the children therapeutically would need support and encouragement. I hope that the accompanying blog can offer some of it. 

There are times when one can feel lost and directionless when confronted with distressing experiences. I feel that the way, as the journey ahead for children, who have been displaced from their homes would be a long journey towards recovery.  It might be even two years till new houses are built. If they suffered bereavement, that adds another dimension of care and support. 

A small beginning towards bringing an orientation towards supporting children! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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