07 August, 2024

The evening meal!


Most of the day was raining a few days ago. There was a short spell of break, when it was still cloudy and the dusk was setting. I noticed bird movements in the field below our garden about two hundred meters below. I thought they were parakeets, but could not be sure when the visibility was not good enough. 

I walked towards them, while it got darker. I have limited skills to manipulate the camera settings to take photos when the light conditions are not favourable. Although I could not get crisp photos of an unusual community feeding of a family of parakeets, watching them frolicking by flying between the field to pluck the corn heads and returning to the cable to feed on them was a sight worth watching. 

Each parakeet found its feed. There were few occasions, when one or two parakeets tried to grab the corn head from another parakeet. It brought into focus, what we sometimes come across in real life, when the able bodied people are lazy to be enterprising to work with their own hands. We have a neighbour who lives by pilfering and not by working. It would have been tolerable if he lived well with what he gathers from others, but instead he lives on alcohol. 

The parakeets brought something interesting to watch. Their bird calls were loud and repetitive. At the end of that half an hour, the  five parakeets became a family of twelve feeding together. The parakeets remembered others who would not have had a feed during the day on a rainy and windy day!

They cared for each other! 

There was enough feed in the field for every bird. 

The events leading to the current political crisis in Bengal Desh started with the ruling party for several years suppressing the opposition parties and giving favours to its own followers. The crisis was brewing from January 2o24 after the national election. It is  unthinkable that a daughter who ruled the country for fifteen years, whose father fought for independence, suppressed the voice of the opposition parties. Now that the president resigned and is on exile and is not finding asylum as against her expectation, is a telling story of the terrible outcome waiting for the autocratic leaders of the world! I hope it is a message for the ruling dispensation in India. 

The parakeets knew how to share the resources they found with others. Why then people are acquisitive in order to deny others of their portions!

The little we have, when shared with others can have an outcome, similar to what happened when a boy shared his meal of five barley loaves and two fish, with Jesus of Nazareth, who used them to feed five thousand people!

A boy of seven years offered to his parents his clothes, to be distributed among children, who are in the relief camps, having lost their homes in the recent landslide in Wayanad. This boy kept five sets for himself. There is something here that speaks about being like a child in thought and action! 

A child's heart feels for other children! An adult's heart feels for the kith and kin! That was what we saw in a wedding celebration in a millionaire's family in Mumbai,  when the wedding celebration went on for several months with huge and lavish expenditure. 

To me,  the sighting the parakeets and seeing their bird behaviour, brought a message of hope! They live mindful of their neighbours! 

Th post truth society needs a message like the above to restore human civilisation to be a caring culture!

The nations of Israel and Iran are on a face to face confrontation now, because they are short sighted and are overcome with self interests!

Le the parakeets restore our vocation of living- love your neighbour as yourself!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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