22 August, 2024

Fear and behaviour!

The feeding station became a scene to observe fearful behaviour in birds and a squirrel.

A Barbet and two Bulbuls were around the feeding bowl, when a squirrel appeared, moving towards the feeding bowl. The squirrel reached and established its access to the fruits in the bowl. The Bulbuls moved about displaying their discomfort over the presence of the squirrel in the feeding bowl. But the Barbet stayed on hoping for its turn to feed. 

Another Barbet arrived. The behaviour of the squirrel changed instantly. It covered its face with its tail! Was it because of fear of being pecked by the Barbets!

What I noticed next was the squirrel retreating from the bowl. It was the arrival of the second Barbet, which made the squirrel to go into self defence and finally move away!

This scene was charged with different moods and behaviours of the birds and a squirrel. I feel reasonably justified to guess that fear prevailed upon the squirrel to return to the tree, abandoning the feed. 

Fear is real!

We can reinforce fear on each other. 

Yesterday, I heard a person mentioning about possible trouble in the street, due to the 'Bharat Bandh' called by a group of aggrieved people,  to protest against the recent ruling of the honourable Supreme Court on modifying the existing pattern of reservation for jobs in some categories. This person preferred to walk and go to the village shopping centre and not on his two wheeler. He was certainly wise. However he experienced fear of the consequences if he was stopped on the way while riding on the scooter. The other person narrated an incident on a similar situation during an earlier strike, narrowly escaping from a mob, who chased him for riding  on a scooter. 

A story of fear to reinforcing fear !

It is fear that creates anxiety, panic or reactive behaviour!

Following the recent murder of a lady doctor in a medical college in Kolkata, while asleep in the hospital after 36 hours of duty, has aroused the fear of women doctors to an alarming level that they are on the streets seeking safety and protection at work place. I wish the Prime Minister of India had addressed the nation to bring calm and dispel fear by  proposing an action plan! That would have been a step towards bringing the situation to some level of comfort!

I wonder how we respond to our own sense of fear! 

I found a Bulbul pair perched in our garden, exchanging this beholding look of belonging and togetherness! 

It is in relationship with others, we draw our strength to overcome fear!

When we live relationally and communicatively, we are less fearful!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 


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