31 December, 2024
The carnival of Life !

30 December, 2024
The Rebuilding!
Obvious or Obscure !
29 December, 2024
Giving to the Giver God!
The wise men who came to meet Jesus with gifts, returned another way, having been told in a dream to do so, as Herod was waiting to harm Jesus. God protected the child Jesus, by guiding the wise men to avoid meeting Herod on their return journey. They were instructed by Herod to return and inform him of the place where Jesus was born. The wise men aligned with the voice of their dream, almost defying the king to whom they were obliged to !
The protective role of the wise men offered safety to Jesus, giving the family time to move to Egypt!
The convergence of the heavenly voices and the response of people around Jesus, provided Him the safety He needed. God provides through people who hear the voice to respond!
The childhood of Jesus was an experience of being provided for by the confluence of God's provisions through multiple people!
The prayer, Give us our daily bread, is a prayer which undergirds the centrality of human response to make it happen!
This prayer is an inclusive prayer, in which all followers of Jesus are called to participate to 'love our neighbours as ourselves'!
I remember visiting Dr Ajit and Alice Bhat in their home a few years ago. During the conversation I enquired of them how they decided to make a large contribution to build the Alumni guest house at the Christian Medical College, Vellore. In fact, it was their initiative and interest that made the guest house a reality, when CMCV had no such facility for guests.
What they shared was a fascinating aspect of history. Rev A.C.Oommen who was the chaplain at CMCV was a student friendly chaplain who led retreats, Bible studies and fellowship meetings for students through the Student Christian Movement. Rev Oommen kept involved in the lives of students even after they left the college. Ajit and Alice shared happy memories of association with Rev Oommen. The other person of considerable influence in their lives during their formative years was Dr P. Zachariah, the professor of physiology. He formulated the Alumni association and made the alumni to meet batch wise at CMCV eery year. The diaspora of CMC alumni fascinated Dr Zachariah. He saw them as witnesses to the motto of the institution, 'not to be mentored unto but o minister'! He felt called to undergird their vocation by linking them with life and events in CMCV. Drs Ajit and Alice were inspired by this friendship that Dr Zachariah fostered among the alumni. It was because of the inspirational influences of two people in their lives, Drs Ajit and Alice wanted to reciprocate with a large gift to build the alumni guest house.
This is the continuation of the Christmas experience of 'giving to the Giver God' !
Let me offer the flower below from our garden to the many who blessed Anna and me by their example of 'giving' thereby leavening our lives with graceful and thoughtful acts of kindness!
M.C.Mathew( text and photo)
28 December, 2024
' A Handful of rest'
Choosing the direction !
One ritual for birds at day break is to plan their first flight path. I felt fascinated while watching how this pair of Bulbuls planned for thelr movements.
After the grooming and drying, the two who were looking in two directions aligned to look in one direction. Having chosen the direction for the flight, both moved to be perched on a branch, which gave them a larger view of the path ahead for the flight.
It was from this position, both of them flew away, one after the other to the distant destination.
The pathway for the day is an open matter for the birds in the morning. They have food, water and friendly terrain as their expectation for the day.
Each day is a new day for the birds. They plan and choose.
In the events associated with the birth of Jesus, what stands out is how Joseph and Mary were guided through the journey into their future.
Mary who was only betrothed was promised a son by an angel. Jospeh was guided to receive Mary as his wife although she had conceived a baby according to the promise by the angel. They needed to go to Nazareth to register for census during which Jesus was born, whom they placed in a manger. The presentation of Jesus on the eight day when Simeon and Anna prophesied about the baby Jesus, who was to be the fulfilment of prophetic promises, followed by the 'flight' to Egypt at night to escape from Herod who was plotting too harm Jesus, were unusual experiences. However they were in alignment with the Old Testament references about Jesus and the events associated with His birth.
The Christmas narrative is an outstanding example of how all good happenings can be submerged in a hostile and demanding setting.
The avian readiness process for each day at dawn, is for encountering the foreseen and unforeseen situations in the flight paths.
This readiness process is an exercise of reflection, bringing past experiences as an indication of what to await. It is a process to gauge the wind, light and temperature in the air, other flock movements, and sensing the location where they shall find food, water and shelter for the day.
It is an awareness about the Christmas events, which can make us feel moved by the sensitive and responsive attitude of Joseph and Mary. They were in an exceptional situation. And yet, they acted in alignment with prophetic writings or responded to the instant guidance received from the angels.
These recollections bring back to me some instances in the recent years, when I felt desperate for guidance and indication to choose the path.
This discerning process is more than filtering available information or evidences but gauging the truth beyond all that is existential and logical.
I recall how two nurses, Ann Bothamley and Marlene Thomas, working at the CMC, Vellore felt that they ought to have a residential facility for children whose parents were working in cross cultural situations, so that the children can receive good schooling. That is how Balanylayam came into being at Vellore, which both of them developed to be a 'home away from home'. They became foster parents to the children in residence. Such a guidance became historical, redeeming the childhood of many children who now live their vocation in different professional settings.
We received the news of the home call of Ann yesterday. Both Ann and Marlene lived discerning the time and responding to the guidance they felt within. They changed the course of the lives of many children and brought immense comfort and affirmation to their parents to continue their cross cultural presence and vocation.
Joseph and Mary were one couple, who brought about changes in their lives in order that Jesus would grow up readying Himself to become the saviour. They bore the stress of the unexpected situations in their lives, knowing that what they were called to endure was for preparing Jesus for His mission in life.
The birds above live each day sensing the direction each day. Joseph and Mary lived following the promptings given to them. Ann and Marlene lived responding to the voice within.
The flowers below are an offering to all, who live mindfully of others.
27 December, 2024
The gift of formation!
26 December, 2024
Staying hidden!
A pair of Greater Coucal at day break, hidden in the foliage of a nutmeg tree! I happened to notice this on a few days last week. I wondered whether it is their location for the shelter at night ! They feel protected in the foliage!
Jeus of Nazareth needed protection form being harmed by Herod, because of which Mary and Jospeh moved to Egypt.
The symbolism of protection in Egypt came back to me on a few occasions during this week. For Jesus and family Egypt was a foreign land. They needed to stay hidden from being found out by Herod. When children below the age of two years were killed all over Judea, Joseph, Mary and Jesus sought shelter in a strange place which was not a familiar place to them.
The shelter in an unfamiliar or inhospitable place!
What would have been hope giving for Joseph and family was the message they received from the angels about who their child was destined to be! Both Mary and Jospeh had visitations and messages.
It was neither Bethlehem or Egypt which offered shelter or protection to Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus as a child was protected by God's watchful eyes on Him, for He was born as the fulfilment of prophecies and promises to people of Israel.
The safety, security and stability which the material world offers are subject to many variables. And yet, like in the parable that Jesus spoke in a parable about a man, who had a rich harvest and rebuilt his barn to store the large produce of his field, and live happy for ever, the pursuit for material security drives humans to feel desperate to be secure.
The prayer, 'Give us our daily bread' that Jesus included in the Lord's prayer gives us another view about life and living that we are called to consider!
For Joseph and family, the vulnerability to the threat to the life of Jesus by Herod was real!
Their safety did not come from the security of their family, familiar situations, or hospitable neighbourhood...! Jesus was safe because of God and His intervention in the life of Joseph and Mary.
God is our shelter and refuge ! That is comforting and affirming!
What comes home to me is how Jesus lived his early childhood hidden!
Living hidden is also an experience necessary for the formative process in our lives!
A seed remains hidden of its prospects to sprout, till it is planted in the soil!
The hidden living is to become complete and integrated as a person seasoned with grace and a calling!
The hidden living in a cocoon is essential for pupa to become a butterfly!
There are times when we encounter a call to remain hidden. There are times when the situations around us enforce us to remain hidden. On both these occasions, it is not an experience of withdrawal but a time to focus on the enlargement of inner life to become loving, gracious and caring!
That was what was written about Jesus after His experience of having been hidden as a child, 'Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God an men'(Luke 2:52).
The season of staying hidden is formative and transformative!
These thoughts arose out of watching a pair of Greater Coucal staying hidden in the foliage!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)