28 April, 2023

Light and shadow!

During a walk in the evening the other day, I noticed how tree trunks had a colourful look with sunlight and shadows. Th fourth photo of the twilight falling on the trunk of another tree and the fifth photo of a tree trunk looking dull after sunset captured my attention. 

The sun gives light and the light casts shadows when the light is obstructed.  The foliage of the tree was what obstructed the light from reaching the trunk to cover it in brightness. 

The light can be dazzling, which is why protection from sunlight might be needed. During summer months in the tropics, people are advised to protect themselves from direct sunlight during the mid day to prevent heat stroke.  

Ir occurred to me that shadow can carry two metaphors. 

The first is that, shadow is protective. The saplings we plant would need protection from sun till they take roots and new shoots come up. Children grow up in the shadow of their parents. They are protected physically, emotionally, and socially till they are older and are able to make choice and participate in life's journey. What is a shadow that parents offer to children! It is caring, conversing, engaging, supporting, educating, providing, etc. This process contributes to childhood formation, which enables them to become independent, functional and grow into maturity! Being a shadow for children is a sign of the value we offer to children and to their future ate become endowed with wisdom and virtue. 

The second metaphor of shadow is darkness which hides visibility. A good part of the trunk was not visible as darkness concealed many portions of the trunk. It is this thought that brought some anxiety in my mind. If we were to live our lives concealed and hidden from others, the risk is dichotomy. We appear outwardly different from what we truly are, as we hide our lives to remain opaque. This dichotomy of inconsistency between our true self and concealed self is the common reason for mistrust and conflict between people. And yet, many people like to live inflated lives to impress, disproportionate to the reality inside. 

When I look at the function of parents being a shadow for their children, I find this slipping
away. Parents have too many preoccupations. Children and primacy of attention for their formation is slipping away from the primary agenda of parents. I feel this as an alarm signal. 

I find that many people feel comfortable to live double lives. They no longer feel restrained from being dichotomous as moral values and spiritual orientation are not at the centre of family lives or at work place. 

I came back from the evening walk, receiving a message about the metaphor of shadow. I need  this consciousness to enlarge within me as I find the pressures of circumstances too heavy to live responsibly. 

To be an advocate for parents to choose to be a shadow for children for their personal formation and to seek to live transparently as much as possible and be confessional when there is a slip, came upon me with a new appeal today!

Trees speak! I felt it again today!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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