10 March, 2018

Resting and flight modes!

I have been interested to capture the honey suckers in their different modes of behaviour. It is one bird that I filled to photograph to observe their different 'stacato' positions. They move in  a hurry and in a jumpy manner. Their briskness is exceptional. 

These little birds are not ordinarily visible, but for their movements in a thick foliage. It is their brisk movements along with some flutter of the leaves which alert of its presence.  

I watch tenor flight mode with some interest. The whole body is in a forward posture!

They are ever ready to fly. Flying is its second nature!

The occasional photographs that I was able to take when they are resting is equally fascinating. In the first photo it looks like it is in  a resting mode with the body weight on one leg. It is a posture of relaxing! Letting go!

In letting go, there is freedom!

At the end of almost eight months of intense emotional entrapment during a difficult involvement, I am beginning to sense within me the freedom that comes by 'letting go'! 

When we let go, we return to our true self! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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