04 March, 2014

A lady drummer !

It was the first time, I noticed a lady at the drums, on the occasion of the thanksgiving service of the batch of 1977 at the MOSC Medical College, Kolenchery. I found this most encouraging. I have often seen ladies at the violin, flute, guitar, piano, key board, mouth organ, etc. It was refreshing to see a lady at the drums percussing away most enthusiastically, rhythmically and elegantly!

Every time, I watch a woman do what a man used to do traditionally, I feel reminded of the foundational script of humanity- man and woman are equal in value, worth and purpose. The only difference, according to me is in the discharge of some of the functions. And yet, the equality between men and women is still a far cry in traditional societies. Even the women’s liberation movement has not redeemed the status for women as equals. It probably made men even more aggressive, possessive and resistant to let go!

Even in the medical profession, where there are more women medical students in training in the recent years, seniors seem to discourage lady students from pursuing some specialties like General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, etc. The younger women professionals are more aspirational and are looking for opportunities in all disciplines of learning. The women have grown in stature, skills and aspirations. Let men be gracious and generous in welcoming our equals in all walks of life!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)    

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