26 September, 2013

Opinions and decision making !

I enjoy watching children play skittles, because it is one game where a lot of planning goes into placing the skittles on the ground. One gets only three chances to fell the skittles with a ball, thrown from a three meter distance. So the skittles need to be placed in a particular way that all the ten have some sort of effect on the other, while falling when hit by a ball.

There will be plenty of opinions from onlookers, how the skittles need to be placed, to the extent some opinions are diametrically opposite to the others.

After a while usually one person takes charge and without any more deliberation, places the skittles in an order that seems most suitable. I have sometimes carefully watched the plan and the composure of the person who finally takes charge. He or she is responsible for the decision and the outcome.  

We have the advantage of consultation and discussion to help us arrive at a decision. Some get swayed by the majority opinion or forceful opinions. Some others for fear of failure abdicate the decision to someone else. There are the others who consider each decision making an opportunity to grow in critical thinking and choosing from the options. 

A Surgeon who visited me yesterday told me, that the 'on the spot decision' on the operating table is most crucial and therapeutic that it trains a surgeon to make responsible decisions.  

The woman who had a haemorrhagic disease  for 12 years, took a responsible decision to touch the garment of Jesus of Nazareth, by reaching out to Him in  a crowd. "Jesus turing and seeing her said, Daughter your faith has made you well"( Mathew 9. 22). The public opinion was against her. But she was decisive.

I feel that I am in that stage when I am required to make some responsible decisions to choose another rhythm and pace to my life. Our choices have the prospects of receiving benediction from God of our lives and circumstances.

M.C.Mathew( Texta and photo)            

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