22 January, 2022

Upside down!

It is common to watch birds feeding themselves with nectar in an upward down posture! This sight took me surprise initially, but it no more! Birds are habituated to trust their feet to carry their body weight in an upside down position. Their feet and claws are strong!

Living and working against many odds is common to most of us. 

However it took another level of consciousness as I listened to a boy, who is rear rabbits at home. Being developmentally challenged and having turned 14 years of age, he got his parents to have a Pir of rabbits in the hope that he can rear them and have babies. He succeeded and had there babies. A dog carried away by accessing them through a breach in the net that protected teh rabbits. He was heartbroken. He told me that he spent several hours taking care of the rabbit for six months and now he felt sad that he bred them for a dog to steal them. At the end of this sorrowful tale, he turned to me and said, 'I want to make another effort'! His dream is to have a rabbit farm. There is a dead for rabbit at in his place. 

I was amazed by the resolve of this boy to overcome the odds. His strength came from his parents who protected him when he felt discouraged. He is rooted in his family and his family has enormous trust in his ability to overcome the odds. 

A sun lord overcomes its odds because its feet are strong. A boys overcomes his odds because he finds strength from his family!

The overcoming spirit is what all of us need in plenty! Giving up is not an alternative. 

About ninety percent of families whom I meet up with for consultation do not have a sleep schedule for their children. The pre-school children sleep when parents go to bed, which might be even at 11 pm at night. I have been on a mission to get parents to think of creating a separate sleep schedule for pre-school children. The response has been minimal. A few families who took this seriously have found considerable improvement in the day time behaviour of children. This is an uphill task. Most homes do not have child centred evening rituals at home. It has been an uphill task to get this into the consciousness of parents. 

To get parents to think of children first and themselves next in the evening hours of the day, is an upside down approach to many parents. They are not used to it. 

So more efforts are needed to persuade parents to accept that pre-school children need longer hours of sleep starting from around 8pm and waking up around 6 am.

M.C.Mathew(text and phto) 

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