20 January, 2022

Movement ready!


There are some regular visitors to our garden and this Robin is one of them. As I am familiar with its flight stations, I decided to be camera ready to capture in stills, its body movements before its next flight. 

The first movement was its change in the direction. The second movement was its steady look to its flight path ahead with a vigilant face. The last movement before it flew out was acquiring the body posture for aerodynamic adjustment to fly.

I was keen to observe how it gets ready for the next flight from the branch of a tree it had arrived from our courtyard. The movements of the body were similar. 

This fascinating bird movements stayed with me during the day. 

A mother who shared her story of 20 years after she was married reminded me of inner and outer movements in the biography of a family. She waited a few years for the arrival of her first child. Her husband had to undergo treatment for cancer at a younger age. She then had to wait for nearly a decade to have her next child. Her husband having lost his job had to restart his career. This new field he moved on to fetched him recognition at the state level for his innovation. Now she is challenged with the developmental issues of her second. As she moved narrating this story she moved from one station in her life to torahs with mixed emotions. For hero it has been journey thorough travails  and triumphs, which have made her beholden to life in all earnestness. She viewed life beyond her circumstances. She had a focus and a horizon in her outlook. She was a traveller with a purpose and a message!

It is the movements during the day which make birds find their daily bread and provide excursions to new territories. 

It is the opportunities of each day in our life, which move us to stay purposeful to be travellers in life!

I have seen this movement ready pace as the vocation of some dear friends. Dr Frank Garlick  made eight major movements in his professional career of forty five years-Brisbane, CMC Vellore, EMFI, Brisbane, England, Brisbane, Kathmandu, Family Enrichment ministry...! Wherever he was, he initiated a new opportunity and entrusted his mission to others to continue. Dr Garlick and Dr Val live in Brisbane and bring cheer to others even now!

It is important to stay movement ready in the voyage of life!

Every movement is not dislocation or relocation but continuation of a voyage ! We learned to move in our mother's womb and that shall be the way we shall live during the rest of our lives.

M.C.Mathew( text and photo)

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