29 September, 2019

The charm of the dusk!

I felt good to have had the camera ready with me to capture this unusual display of colours on the sky immediately after the sun went down in the horizon yesterday. It was a sight from our courtyard in the distant over the paddy fields. This brilliance on the sky after several weeks of cloudy evenings was spectacular. It lasted for just a few seconds. In fact the colours faded to some extent even when I was taking the second shot.

All ecstatic experiences are momentary. It is meant to be that way as humans can take in such experiences only for a short time because we have limitations in beholding what is supernatural beyond ultra short periods. In fact the brilliance on the sky had a blinding effect on me.  I could have only a glance of it!

However there would be such special occasions of delight and insight that would come upon us. Rejoice when it takes place! Even capturing the memory of it would not give us even a semblance of the original experience.

M.C.Mathew (text and poto)

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