28 September, 2019

Children speak

At the earth summit in Rio in 1992 a 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki (Photo on the left) pleaded with the world leaders to save the planet earth. She had the following to say about Greta Thunberg, who spoke the same message at the UN world summit on Monday, this week.

This Swedish teenager, Greta spoke from her heart about saving the planet earth. This gives us new understanding about children with Asperger syndrome. They too can be leaders, when nurtured to see what others do not feel convinced about to see or pursue! 

This experience of the United Nations honouring the voice of a child with Asperger syndrome is a call for more investment to foster and give greater attention to children with special needs. Will our educational institutions consider that those whom we label as 'disabled' might be carrying with them a profound level of understanding that the world needs to see and hear! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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