25 September, 2019

A family!

As I looked at the flower beds on the road side yesterday, I was fascinated by the colourful look these families of flowers provide to the roadside.

Human families are too similar in purpose. Each family is a light and salt !

Most of us get occupied by our domestic responsibilities and chores. Children and grandchildren occupy a lot of attention and bring immense return of fulfilment.

I come across some families who go beyond the functions of togetherness, procreation and existential responsibilities.

This family I know well has its neighbourhood in its mind. On the occasions of birthdays, anniversaries, and festive seasons they include the neighbours in their celebrations. This is their way of connecting with others. This move towards others beyond the confines of their own family has been going on for several years now. As I hear from their neighbours how it has impacted them, it opens my eyes to see another role of families.

If families can find companion families, we become a community.

I recently discovered that, three families jointly supported a boy to complete his engineering education. He was the son of their domestic helper.

Families are lights and salt in a community!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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