08 September, 2019

Small but fragrant and colour rich!

I was a delighted to watch the sunshine fall on the rose flower and turn into into unusual brilliance.

Since the rain water soaks in to the buds and flowers, flowers have not been of the usual size or fragrance. Rose buds and flowers need light and warmth. 

Dulce refused to come inside after her morning walk as it was sunny and warm outside. Every time we opened the door today, she forced her way out to be in the sun.

The bird calls were back in our garden as it was not rising during the night and sun was up against a blue sky in the morning. 

How fresh the leaves and meadow look after the rain. There are tender shoots in the grass and on the trees.

The warmth of sunshine is a metaphor of some significance. In poetry and prose, music and art, painting and sculptures, the sunshine is warmth in relationship. There is 'cold' relationship and 'warm' relationship. A warm relationship carries with it thoughtfulness, affection and care. Warm relationships provide energy to the weary, support to the faint hearted and hope for a traveller!

The warmth in relationships create bonding and belonging!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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