29 July, 2018

Life is formed in and through fear!

The Biblical text in the logo of the MOSC Medical Mission makes me think!

A one year child while beginning to walk looking at the outstretched hands of his mother, takes faltering steps towards her and fumbles and falls into the hands of his mother! Is there anything more safe and sure than that! 

Th mother diffuses the child's fear and provides an opportunity to move on amidst fear! So trust overcomes fear, at least marginalises it!

As I turned seventy recently, what holds me tis his reality that fear is subservient to the consciousness of trust! The trapeze artist lets go of his swing to jump into another because a catcher is moving in the air between the swings, ready to catch the flier!

The flier is safe because the catcher is a sign of his safety!

Between the desire to trust and the reality of trust, there is a long hesitant process! So this text revives my hope!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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