01 July, 2018

Change of direction

I have watched this papaya tree change its direction during the last six months, to get more sunlight as other trees blocked its access to sunlight. Papaya trees normally have an upright stem. 

Some of us have to learn to adapt and change directions of thoughts, involvements, and plans depending on our calling and circumstances!

Incidentally the last 12 months was also a time when I have had to change directions in my plans and involvements! I felt the need to do so and there were enough signals from the circumstances! Not an easy experience! 

What is important is to be decisive when one feels inwardly choked or challenged or disturbed!

Such occasions can become turning points of significance to have fuller experiences of going beyond our personal preset boundaries in life!

To move voluntarily out of the way of others or retreating from engagement because of an impending strife is one reason for changing direction!

There is a larger space for each of us beyond what others seem to suggest! So why not change direction!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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