03 July, 2018


About sixty trucks come to the timber market located near our home.every day. Each truck carries a load of about 20 tons of wood. It is estimated that there are about fifty timber markets in the state  of Kerala where we live. On an average each market has an arrival of fifty trucks. 

We need timber for furniture, construction of houses, factories, offices, packing boxes... all of which are essential. But is there a proportionate interest in planting new trees. Even after they are planted, it takes at least twenty years for them to reduce the carbon overload. in the environment 

If the projection of an increase in 7 degree C of environmental temperature by 2036 is true, then the loss of tree at this alarming magnitude is worrisome!

Has consumerism and marketing of products with an emotional appeal influenced this sudden increase in wood cutting and timber sale !

There is an increase in the reuse of old wood and a marginal decrease in the use of wood for firewood. Both these are encouraging trends. 

Our cottage is surrounded by trees all around. It certainly brings down the temperature inside and outside the cottage!


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