09 December, 2018

A hazy view!

This is the cropped picture of a kingfisher taken with a 18-150mm lens from a distance of at least 200 meters and 100 meters from the ground! 

Everything is hazy and unclear. 

The exit polls of the recently held assembly elections to five state legislatures have been most unclear.  There are at least twelve exit polls each confessing to be tentative and provisional. 

And yet, the debates in the TV channels give us an impression of the definitiveness with which the political parties approach the results on 11th Dec. 2018. 

For me many things in life are hazy. I no more pretend to be definite about many things. However I live with hope, peace and Grace, all of which are means for living restfully in troubled times. 

What appears hazy is truly distinct and clear, although not so much to my understanding or comprehension. This is evident from the photo below of the same bird, when it was not enlarged and cropped. The bird is small to look at.

Let this finiteness to our understanding not belittle the profoundness of truth and reality which await its unfolding in the journey of life! If only I was near the kingfisher or had a better zoom lens, the kingfisher would have been clearer. 

It is when we move towards the reality of life, who is God resident within, the truth about Him becomes clearer. It is this personal experience of a loving God that shall make us more loving!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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