29 March, 2017

A caterpillar weaves its cocoon!

I have spent sometime during the last two days to observe how a caterpillar weaves its cocoon! It moves its head in all directions and makes the filamentous layer around the leaves to make itself a protected space to hibernate! The progress it makes is worth watching! It forms a three layer protection around itself. It forms a territorial protection of bands of filaments first. Then it creates a hollow large enough for itself by blending the leaves together. Then it weaves a cocoon around itself!

It is a sight that can make anyone marvel! A tiny creature prepares a space for itself for its metamorphosis! It is in inbuilt in every caterpillar!

As we watch the mystery around ourselves, we can feel moved!  God has manifested Himself in nature in ways that can bring a new awareness of the wonder of creation! 


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