29 December, 2012

A symbol that speaks

This water fountain was a gift from Amy and Arpit at the occasion of our wedding anniversary this year. We treasure it as a good addition to our drawing room.

The sight of flow of water into three levels often fascinated me, made possible by a tiny and silent motor installed in it. It reminded me of different levels or depths in one's life. 

Let me refer to at least three.

At one level we are hearing, seeing and processing all of these often unconsciously. It takes place without any effort form us and we are almost at an impulsive level. We have learned to say, 'fine', to a question, 'how are you'. This impulsive or instinctive ways are most necessary. It is this quick response which helps us to plug the bleeder while operating or apply break suddenly when someone crosses the road in an unauthorised place or reach out to help someone get up from the floor after a fall. I am glad we have such a impulsive skill which does not need much planning or thinking.

The second level is acting thoughtfully or wilfully. If we have a friend who is sick we would plan how to support him or her during that time of need. It is the same skill we employ when we help our children at different stages of their needs. We often reach out even before the need is made known. We sense the unspoken needs and offer nearness and accompaniment. This springs out of, living mindfully of others. This is modulated by an open attitude of orientation towards others. It is a cultivated habit through a growing expansion of the inner self by freeing ourselves from preoccupation with ourselves and our needs. It is this we see in the story of the Good Samaritan. It is this I saw at the children's party, when a child decided to carry with her the two chocolates she got as a present, to give to her friends in the neighbourhood. 

The third level is the way we respond or react those who are critical, suspicious,  cynical oppositional in attitude towards us. It calls for generosity in spirit and character of temperance. I sense that most of us live in conflict prone or  conflict stricken situations in our families, at work place, relationships...This is an engaging and demanding situation in our lives. It is here, we would need more strength and grace than we normally would have. If we are resolved not to precipitate or perpetuate a conflict, then we diffuse the tension. It is a good practice to step back, say less or take time to contemplate, in order feel detached from emotional upheavals and stay committed to be reconciled. What consumes our energy is unresolved broken relationships. Even our sleep is interrupted by disturbing dreams when we carry baggage of anger or mistrust. 

I am glad that this water fountain continues to tell many such stories of the human soul.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)   

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