15 April, 2019

A parking warning!

As I watched this parking warning in a place where many people visit, I was puzzled by a sense of helplessness it might cause to someone who want to park a vehicle. Trees provide shelter and protection in that campus. At the same time, trees bring risk to the vehicles parked under them, during storm and rain.  

What is the risk is well defined here! There is a 'possibility of danger, but take responsibility to protect yourself'! 

I happened to meet the gardener from whom I found out that there is planned and timely trimming of trees to remove the  fragile or dry branches, which I thought was most commendable.  That reduces the risk but does not eliminate it. 

This truly is the story of life. 

There is risk inherent to most experiences in life. 

Twenty percent of pregnant mothers would have some risk factors which woeful need attention. With good medical attention this would get reduced to less than half. Thanks for the medical help available and the mothers choosing to avail them. 

Risk alleviation is not possible  but risk reduction is possible!

The risk of accidents drop by fifty percent if we can drive between sixty and seventy kilometres per hour, which most of us do not often do. I struggle to conform to the 80 kilometre speed limit in the high way. I confess that I am guilty of crossing it now and them while driving. 

Why is that we choose risk rather than reduce the chance for it!

It might be because of our 'mind set' which is not subject to 'fact set' orientation. Facts and truths are to be governing our behaviour. 

If there is an open space away from the trees, I can choose to park the vehicle in that place. I can abstain from alcohol to reduce all the risks and dangers of habitual drinking. I can give an honest account of my income to avoid nasty letters from the income tax department!

We can choose to live well without exposing ourselves to dangers associated with the risks! To me it is a sober way of living.

Th only place where I feel justified to take a risk is when there is an opportunity to do good to others. Taking a risk to reach out to others is a sign of thoughtful and altruistic living!

Those of us who are adventure driven, would argue that life looses its thrill when we do not take risk! Yes there is some truth in that. However, risk taking for personal gain needs considerable discernment!  

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  

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