26 November, 2017


About a month back I had two visitors who came for an overnight stay. Anna was away at Ludhiana. One of them borough two mango saplings. They planted them in our garden.

Two weeks later the shoots adorned the stem!

All beginnings have immense meaning! The beginning is  symbol of hope and prospects in future!

One day this mango tree would bear fruits! These shoots would become branches for the fruit!

It is this which inspires me to stay on engaging with children who have special needs even after thirty five years! Every time a family visits me with their child who has special needs, I am reminded of the call to raise  hope in their lives.. hope transforms despair or resignation.

A couple came to visit us to thank us for being in the life of their son for about fifteen years, whom they lost recently following status epileptics.  They narrated the contact with us which gave them hope. I wish all of us can carry this mission of giving hope through our conversation and communication!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo) 

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