15 April, 2014

Years in clinical training!

One batch of clinical students who came for their clinical posting chose to have the clinic in my room at the MOSC Medical College. I found it a good experience. We had the clinic sitting down and started with some sharing by each student about his or her memory of growing up years as growth and development was the theme of the discussion. 

It was an eye opener to them that they can learn a lot about growth and development from their own childhood. It is often a pain for many students to remember the chronology of developmental mile stones of children in the domains of motor development, language and communication, personal and social and cognitive functions. Once they started recollecting when their younger brother or sister achieved some of the milestones, the whole exercise became personal, reflective and refreshing. 

To me, it was an exercise of much delight because all the students, who looked anxious about the clinic initially settled down well to participate and interact. It was good to watch how learning takes place in a relaxed setting! The students ought to become free of fear while in a class room! The teacher is responsible to make learning a pleasure and make students take interest in learning! 

I realised at the end of the one hour that students feel most comfortable if learning can incorporate a personal  dimension!

All learners are looking for relationship with their teachers and facilitators. Let that happen!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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