13 November, 2020

Waiting in hope!

For the last eight months now, having waited for children to resume coming to the department where I work, I feel there is a n exhaustion in waiting! I can sense that all around. The department which had regular flow of children and the professionals fully involved in providing the support which they needed, the last eight months seem to be out of place. The COVID pandemic has made children home bound and parents running dry o ideas to keep children occupied. The fatigue that sets in waiting with uncertainty affects the professionals. The medical students and nursing students missed their bedside learning opportunity. 

For me, to come to a deserted department each day has been rather heavy. I too feel carried away by the uncertainty. Life is almost returning to be normal in many areas, but not for children and students. 

Yesterday a medical student who called to talk about it, mentioned that this could have been a better season if we also had some virtual social get togethers. So the student are arranging a social get together today. 

The month of November is a time of preparation for Christmas cheer in the department for the last six years.

It is also a time of choral singing to usher in the Christmas cheer ! The festivity is no where in sight as we are still struggling to cope with all the changes.

The annual Christmas cheer sharing is going to be missed this year. It was one occasion when the department had a public engagement with the hospital community.

For Anna and myself it is also a time of  waiting to have a get together of foster students which we normally had once every three or four months. 

How are to turn all these losses rot an opportunity!

I feel that letters and phone calls have partly helped to stay in touch. I used to write a weekly letter to some to keep in touch. I discontinued it after a few months. Now I wonder whether it should have continued!

Whatever might be the situation, one thing is clear to me that humans can share all experiences for their good, if they communicate and consult even in difficult times!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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