13 October, 2013

CMC Principal rides on a camel

One of the events in the calendar of the activities of the Christian Medical College, Vellore, is staff entertainment, which occurs once in three to for years. Anna and I happened to be here yesterday when it was organised. The previous one was in 2009. This was the fifth staff entertainment, we were able to witness since our association with CMC.

The focus of the attention of the evening is to have some fun at the expense of the principal and the students. So it begins with a procession from the Principal's office to the Scudder auditorium, where about 2000 or so students, faculty and visitors  wait for the variety entertainment to begin.

The three hour entertainment was full of fun and laughter. 

This tradition goes back to about thirty five years or more in history. Most people think it was an attempt to bring together the faculty for doing something together to connect with the students. There is a cordial and healthy relationship between the faculty and students. The students are introduced to a foster parenting system, where about ten students get linked with one faculty family during their time of undergraduate studies. There are several other events where students and faculty work together for several college events.

However, the staff entertainment is one event when the students look forward to their teachers, dance, act, sing, and perform hilarious acts. The president of the student association in thanking the faculty said, 'thank you for giving us an opportunity to get a glimpse of the lighter side of our teachers'.

It was a wholesome entertainment, which adults and children could watch with no inhibition. 

The director referred to it as a good community building activity to build relationships and bring  people together.      

Every institution has some valuable traditions; in CMC, Vellore, these traditions add to the uniqueness of this community.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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